Some questions about LiquidBounce - cross_version
@Leejames2305 Do you have any tutorial?
Actually u can,
The first step to do is to checkout thecross_version
branch. (Defaultmaster
branch does not contains anycross_version
stuff yet)
just cd to the root dir of LB andgit checkout cross_version
. If u use your fork, you should know how to add a remote for it and how to use.
Look into thesetting.gradle
and you will = 'LiquidBounce' if (System.getenv()['mcversion'] == "1.12") { include '1.12.2-Forge' } else { include '1.8.9-Forge' } // include '1.8.9-Vanilla'
Which means you only have to make the environment variable
equals to1.12
then you can dogradlew build
On *nix u need to usemcversion="1.12" bash ./gradlew build
, I already forgot how to temporarily set a environment variable on Windows.
The jar will be at
However I have not found a way to change environment variable in Intellij idea, because simple modifying
takes less energy(still bad tho).Btw last time when I compiled
stuff I had to modify one import statment to compile, never tested tho(it was at this commit). There seemed to be more frequent commits lately, it might be ready to use in a short period I guess.(Spoiler: there is a new branch for 1.16.2-fabric, however there is no commit yet)Edit: I tested and crashed when I tired to launch lol.
Edit: Crashing in splash screen does not always happens. I managed to launch once -
@commandblock2 Thank you very much
:) -
@commandblock2 said in Some questions about LiquidBounce - cross_version:
gradlew build
Hello, I have completed gradlew build according to your tutorial, and there is no problem displayed on my IntelliJ idea. When I tried to run the source code of 1.12.2-forge, my IntelliJ idea made a mistake in the build source code. I collected the wrong information, please see:Log.txt
Can you help me to find out the reason and give the solutions? :) -
@NUMB yeah, that was what I said about
I had to modify one import statment
It was because of
was not here, you can search for it or see how 1.8.9-Forge did it.
Edit:import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.injection.utils.EasingObject;
->import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.EasingObject;
Edit: of the filenet/ccbluex/liquidbounce/injection/forge/mixins/fml/
No I still don't no why it crashes -
@commandblock2 emmm, I think I have the same situation. When I run the 1.12.2 source, my idea runs to "at" java.lang.ClassLoader .loadClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251] "when the source of 1.12.2 stopped running, I suspect it seems to crash, I did not find a solution to it, did you solve it?
Crash: [16:00:40] [main / Info]: Extra: []
[16:00:40] [main/ERROR]: Failed to find class net.minecraftforge.fml . common.asm.transformers .ModAccessTransformer
[16:00:42] [main/INFO]: Running with arguments: [--userProperties, {}, --assetsDir, C:/Users/19077/.gradle/caches/minecraft/assets, --assetIndex, 1.12, --accessToken{REDACTED}, --version, 1.12.2, --tweakClass, net.minecraftforge.fml . common.launcher.FMLTweaker , --tweakClass, net.minecraftforge.gradle . tweakers.CoremodTweaker ]
[16:00:42] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name net.minecraftforge.fml . common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[16:00:42] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java at net.minecraft.launchwrapper . LaunchClassLoader.findClass ( ) ~[launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
At java.lang.ClassLoader .loadClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.ClassLoader .loadClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.Class .forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.Class .forName( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At net.minecraft.launchwrapper . Launch.launch ( ) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
At net.minecraft.launchwrapper . Launch.main ( ) [launchwrapper-1.12.jar:?]
At sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl .invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl .invoke(Nati ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl .invoke(Delegati ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.reflect . Method.invoke ( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At net.minecraftforge.gradle . GradleStartCommon.launch ( ) [start/:?]
At GradleStart.main ( ) [start/:?]. lang.ClassNotFoundException : net.minecraftforge.fml . common.launcher.FMLTweaker
At .findClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.ClassLoader .loadClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At sun.misc.Launcher $ AppClassLoader.loadClass ( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
At java.lang.ClassLoader .loadClass( ) ~[?:1.8.0_ 251]
Process finished with exit code 1
@NUMB No. It's still a dev version and it can sometime launch. Idk if it is my problem
@commandblock2 That is to say I IDE will start game?
@NUMB It will crash most times, but some times could launch, I didn't investigate anymore.
@commandblock2 I know that you have put a lot of energy into answering my question, but I have another question. I run in debug mode, and "disconnected from the target VM, address: '', Transport: 'socket' "error, and then quit running. I used the DOS command window to query the process of port" 60563 ", and found that no process occupied the port. This puzzled me. Can you help me?
@NUMB idk, I think I used to have this problem but now I don't seem to able to reproduce it. Maybe just try more times it might be fine