Writed casually BlockUtils.js
var BlockPos = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.BlockPos"); var Block = Java.type("net.minecraft.block.Block"); /** * @returns {Block?} block * @param {BlockPos} blockPos */ function getBlock(blockPos) { return mc.theWorld.getBlockState(blockPos).getBlock(); } /** * @returns {Map<BlockPos, Block>} blocks * @param {Number} radius */ function searchBlocks(radius) { var blocks = new Map(); radius |= 0; for (var x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { for (var z = -radius; z <= radius; z++) { for (var y = radius; z >= -radius; y--) { var blockPos = new BlockPos(~~mc.thePlayer.posX + x, ~~mc.thePlayer.posY + y, ~~mc.thePlayer.posZ + z); var block = getBlock(blockPos); block && blocks.set(blockPos, block); } } } return blocks; } function searchBlocks2(radius) { return new Map(BlockPos.getAllInBox(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX - radius, mc.thePlayer.posY - radius, mc.thePlayer.posZ - radius), new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX + radius, mc.thePlayer.posY + radius, mc.thePlayer.posZ + radius)) .map(blockPos => [blockPos, getBlock(blockPos)])); }
@Temm thanks. but I don't think this script can run on LB. It's just a demo
(may replace ?. with . then function 1&2 can work -
Some explanation of code
Following code in JavaScript equals
number > 0 ? Math.floor(number) : Math.ceil(number)
number |= 0 ~~number
But according to my test, ~~x is much faster than Math.floor(x) for random positive double value. So you can use bit operation instead of
if (block != null) blocks.set(blockPos, block);
can be simplified toif (block) blocks.set(blockPos, block);
or justblock && blocks.set(blockPos, block);
Because null in JavaScript is considered as false value, and && operator will not do things after it if things before it is a false value.