Verus killaura?
the only way to make it not flag is to have 4-13 cps and 1-5 rotation speed is there anyway to make it better and not ban
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RotationStrafe Enable
RotationMode Slient
turnspeed: any-any
wtf is that diffcult?
这真是老套路了 -
You need to wait next update for range aimpoint fix, 180 turnspeed RotationStrafe off Swing enabled Switch mode
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KillAura MaxCPS 14
KillAura MinCPS 10
KillAura HurtTime 9
KillAura Range 3.0
KillAura ThroughWallsRange 0.00
KillAura RangeSprintReducement 0.0
KillAura Priority Direction
KillAura TargetMode Single
KillAura Swing true
KillAura KeepSprint true
KillAura AutoBlock false
KillAura InteractAutoBlock false
KillAura DelayedBlock false
KillAura BlockRate 100
KillAura RayCast true
KillAura RayCastIgnored true
KillAura LivingRayCast true
KillAura AAC false
KillAura MaxTurnSpeed 180.0
KillAura MinTurnSpeed 180.0
KillAura SilentRotation true
KillAura Strafe Off
KillAura RandomCenter true
KillAura Outborder false
KillAura FOV 180.0
KillAura Predict false
KillAura MaxPredictSize 1.0
KillAura MinPredictSize 0.5
KillAura FailRate 0.0
KillAura FakeSwing true
KillAura NoInvAttack false
KillAura NoInvDelay 200
KillAura LimitedMultiTargets 0
KillAura Mark true
KillAura FakeSharp false -
Is there any possibility with autoblock turned on?
works interact autoblock?
@commandblock2 maybe with an autoblock script, otherwise I don't think so.
Yes with a script you can.. here is the script verusautoblock