Compile LiquidBounce B70 Source Code
Hello I edited my liquid bounce kt's now I want to compile but i dont know how, Im using Intellj IDEA for editing can someone help me?
@LegacyGamer gamer
@Aftery -.-
@Azure1 can you please answer my question??
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imagine compiling a decompiled code
@Azure1 i need to turn .kt to .class
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@Leejames2305 to edit the killaura i cant edit through .class
bro wake up, they are all the same
@Azure1 i just want to know how i compile the lb source into a jar
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@Leejames2305 because i edited it in killaura.kt through intelij now i just need to compile all the lb and i dont know how
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@Leejames2305 but for compiling i use Intelj or cmd ?
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@LegacyGamer use gradle
@Aftery which comands do i use to compile?
A Former Userreplied to LegacyGamer on 1 Oct 2020, 12:51 last edited by A Former User 10 Jan 2020, 14:51This post is deleted!