[Script Maintenance] Publish the script you need to update here
@ybyyby_-awa Here is a script that I'd like to be ported to ScriptAPI v2:
var scriptName = 'ScaffoldAddon' var scriptAuthor = 'As丶One' var scriptVersion = 1.0 function ScaffoldAddon() { var RotationUtils = Java.type('net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.RotationUtils') var Rotation = Java.type('net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.Rotation') var Scaffold = moduleManager.getModule('Scaffold') function isMoving() { return mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward || mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe; } this.getName = function () { return 'ScaffoldAddon' } this.getDescription = function () { return 'ScaffoldAddon By As丶One' } this.getCategory = function () { return 'Fun' } this.onUpdate = function () { if(Scaffold.getState()) { if(isMoving()){ Scaffold.getValue('Rotations').set(false) DiffYaw = 0 if(mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward > 0) DiffYaw = 180 if(mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward < 0) DiffYaw = 0 RotationUtils.setTargetRotation(new Rotation(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw + DiffYaw, 86)) }else{ Scaffold.getValue('Rotations').set(true) } } } } var ScaffoldAddon = new ScaffoldAddon() var ScaffoldAddonClient function onEnable() { ScaffoldAddonClient = moduleManager.registerModule(ScaffoldAddon) } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(ScaffoldAddonClient) }
@Gabriel ScaffoldAddon(API V2).js
Please note that I am only responsible for the logical part smoothing and loading of the script manager in the latest version. If there are any missing functions, please modify them yourself
@ybyyby_-awa Thanks!
Think you could get this updated
TargetHud.js -
WaterFlex Gamingwrote on 4 Oct 2023, 19:05 last edited by WaterFlex Gaming 10 Apr 2023, 21:06
var C06PacketPlayerPosLook = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.C06PacketPlayerPosLook'); var S08PacketPlayerPosLook = Java.type ("net.minecraft.network.play.server.S08PacketPlayerPosLook"); var lastMotionX = 0.0; var lastMotionY = 0.0; var lastMotionZ = 0.0; var pendingFlagApplyPacket = false; var scriptName = "matrixdisabler"; var scriptVersion = 1.0; var scriptAuthor = "matrix disabler"; var justMonika = new JustMonika(); var justMonikaClient; function JustMonika() { this.getName = function() { return "matrixdisabler"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "matrixdisabler"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Movement"; }; this.onPacket = function(event) { var packet = event.packet; if (packet instanceof C06PacketPlayerPosLook && pendingFlagApplyPacket ) { pendingFlagApplyPacket = false; mc.thePlayer.motionX = lastMotionX; mc.thePlayer.motionY = lastMotionY; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = lastMotionZ; } else if (packet instanceof S08PacketPlayerPosLook ) { pendingFlagApplyPacket = true lastMotionX = mc.thePlayer.motionX; lastMotionY = mc.thePlayer.motionY; lastMotionZ = mc.thePlayer.motionZ; } } this.onDisable = function() { pendingFlagApplyPacket = false; } } function onEnable() { justMonikaClient = moduleManager.registerModule(justMonika); }; function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(justMonikaClient); };
@WaterFlex-Gaming said in [Script Maintenance] Publish the script you need to update here:
matrix disabler
Please note that I am only responsible for the logical part smoothing and loading of the script manager in the latest version. If there are any missing functions, please modify them yourself
I even provided a debugging feature for it, come and give it a try
@96DMG 我认为你应该找相应作者寻求更新,如果mumy不同意,那我才开始更新,因为前面的原因,所以我把你的脚本翻新放在最后面,请谅解
I think you should seek updates from the corresponding author. If Mumy disagrees, then I will start updating. Due to previous reasons, I have placed your script revision at the end. Please understand -
@ybyyby_-awa ty, works