Config for BlockMC
Functions that work: Killaura, Scaffold, Velocity, Fucker, Criticals, ... And LongJump, but when you do a couple of jumps, it starts to swell.
Made config 29.10.2020
Aimbot Range 4.4 Aimbot TurnSpeed 2.0 Aimbot FOV 180.0 Aimbot Center false Aimbot Lock true Aimbot OnClick false Aimbot Jitter false AntiAFK Mode Random AntiAFK SwingDelay 100 AntiAFK RotationDelay 100 AntiAFK RotationAngle 1.0 AntiAFK Jump true AntiAFK Move true AntiAFK Rotate true AntiAFK Swing true AntiBot Tab true AntiBot TabMode Contains AntiBot EntityID true AntiBot Color false AntiBot LivingTime false AntiBot LivingTimeTicks 40 AntiBot Ground true AntiBot Air false AntiBot InvalidGround true AntiBot Swing false AntiBot Health false AntiBot Derp true AntiBot WasInvisible false AntiBot Armor false AntiBot Ping false AntiBot NeedHit false AntiBot DuplicateInWorld false AntiBot DuplicateInTab false AntiBot AlwaysInRadius false AntiBot AlwaysInRadiusBlocks 20.0 AtAllProvider MinDelay 500 AtAllProvider MaxDelay 1000 AtAllProvider Retry false AutoArmor MinDelay 45 AutoArmor MaxDelay 45 AutoArmor InvOpen false AutoArmor SimulateInventory true AutoArmor NoMove false AutoArmor ItemDelay 10 AutoArmor Hotbar true AutoBow WaitForBowAimbot true AutoClicker MaxCPS 10 AutoClicker MinCPS 8 AutoClicker Right true AutoClicker Left true AutoClicker Jitter false AutoLeave Health 8.0 AutoLeave Mode Quit AutoPot Health 15.0 AutoPot Delay 500 AutoPot OpenInv false AutoPot SimulateInventory true AutoPot GroundDistance 2.0 AutoPot Mode Normal AutoRespawn Instant true AutoSoup Health 15.0 AutoSoup Delay 150 AutoSoup OpenInv false AutoSoup SimulateInventory true AutoSoup Bowl Drop AutoWeapon SpoofItem false AutoWeapon SpoofTicks 10 Blink Pulse false Blink PulseDelay 1000 BlinkFall MaxFallTime 1000 BlinkFall NoFall false BlinkFall SimulatedFall true BlinkFall SimulatedTimer 2.0 BlinkFall FakePlayer true BlinkFall Line true BlockWalk Cobweb true BlockWalk Snow true BowAimbot Silent true BowAimbot Predict true BowAimbot ThroughWalls false BowAimbot PredictSize 2.0 BowAimbot Priority Direction BowAimbot Mark true BufferSpeed SpeedLimit true BufferSpeed MaxSpeed 2.0 BufferSpeed Buffer true BufferSpeed Stairs true BufferSpeed StairsBoost 1.87 BufferSpeed StairsMode New BufferSpeed Slabs true BufferSpeed SlabsBoost 1.87 BufferSpeed SlabsMode New BufferSpeed Ice false BufferSpeed IceBoost 1.342 BufferSpeed Snow true BufferSpeed SnowBoost 1.87 BufferSpeed SnowPort true BufferSpeed Wall true BufferSpeed WallBoost 1.87 BufferSpeed WallMode New BufferSpeed HeadBlock true BufferSpeed HeadBlockBoost 1.87 BufferSpeed Slime true BufferSpeed AirStrafe false BufferSpeed NoHurt true BugUp Mode FlyFlag BugUp MaxFallDistance 10 BugUp MaxDistanceToSetback 2.5 BugUp Indicator true ChestAura Range 5.0 ChestAura Delay 100 ChestAura ThroughWalls true ChestAura VisualSwing true ChestAura Chest 54 ChestAura Rotations true ChestStealer MaxDelay 50 ChestStealer MinDelay 50 ChestStealer DelayOnFirst false ChestStealer TakeRandomized false ChestStealer OnlyItems false ChestStealer NoCompass true ChestStealer AutoClose true ChestStealer AutoCloseMaxDelay 80 ChestStealer AutoCloseMinDelay 80 ChestStealer CloseOnFull true ChestStealer ChestTitle false CivBreak Range 5.0 CivBreak Rotations true CivBreak VisualSwing true CivBreak Air-Reset true CivBreak Range-Reset true Clip Mode Teleport Clip Horizontal 0.0 Clip Vertical 5.0 ConsoleSpammer Mode Payload ConsoleSpammer Delay 0 Criticals Mode Jump Criticals Delay 0 Criticals HurtTime 10 Damage Mode NCP Damage Damage 1 Derp Headless false Derp Spinny false Derp Increment 1.0 FastBow Packets 20 FastBreak BreakDamage 0.8 FastClimb Mode Vanilla FastClimb Speed 0.2872 FastPlace Speed 0 FastStairs Mode NCP FastStairs LongJump false FastUse Mode Instant FastUse NoMove false FastUse CustomDelay 0 FastUse CustomSpeed 2 FastUse CustomTimer 1.1 Fly Mode Hypixel Fly VanillaSpeed 2.0 Fly VanillaKickBypass false Fly NCPMotion 0.0 Fly AAC1.9.10-Speed 0.3 Fly AAC3.0.5-Fast true Fly AAC3.3.12-Motion 10.0 Fly AAC3.3.13-Motion 10.0 Fly Hypixel-Boost true Fly Hypixel-BoostDelay 1200 Fly Hypixel-BoostTimer 1.0 Fly MineplexSpeed 1.0 Fly NeruxVace-Ticks 6 Fly Mark true Fucker Block 26 Fucker ThroughWalls None Fucker Range 6.0 Fucker Action Destroy Fucker Instant false Fucker SwitchDelay 250 Fucker Swing true Fucker Rotations true Fucker Surroundings false Fucker NoHit false GhostHand Block 54 HighJump Height 2.0 HighJump Mode Vanilla HighJump OnlyGlassPane false HitBox Size 0.4 IceSpeed Mode NCP Ignite Lighter true Ignite Lava true InventoryCleaner MaxDelay 600 InventoryCleaner MinDelay 400 InventoryCleaner InvOpen false InventoryCleaner SimulateInventory true InventoryCleaner NoMove false InventoryCleaner IgnoreVehicles false InventoryCleaner Hotbar true InventoryCleaner RandomSlot false InventoryCleaner Sort true InventoryCleaner ItemDelay 0 InventoryCleaner SortSlot-1 Sword InventoryCleaner SortSlot-2 Bow InventoryCleaner SortSlot-3 Pickaxe InventoryCleaner SortSlot-4 Axe InventoryCleaner SortSlot-5 None InventoryCleaner SortSlot-6 None InventoryCleaner SortSlot-7 Food InventoryCleaner SortSlot-8 Block InventoryCleaner SortSlot-9 Block InventoryManager Actions InventoryManager Open Chests, Steal Items, Drop Garbage, Equip Armor, Sort Hotbar, Select Weapons, Select Tools, Throw Potions InventoryManager Experimental lobby detection true InventoryManager Randomize false InventoryManager InvOpen false InventoryManager MaxInvDelay 50 InventoryManager MinInvDelay 50 InventoryManager MaxStealDelay 50 InventoryManager MinStealDelay 50 InventoryManager StartDelay 100 InventoryManager CloseDelay 100 InventoryManager NoAttackDelay 500 InventoryManager OpenInterval 250 InventoryManager OpenRange 5.0 InventoryManager OpenWallsRange 3.0 InventoryManager OpenSwing Packet InventoryManager Rotations Packet InventoryManager RotationsLength 1 InventoryManager HealthToHealAt 15 InventoryManager ThrowDelay 250 InventoryManager Slot1 Sword InventoryManager Slot2 Pickaxe InventoryManager Slot3 Shovel InventoryManager Slot4 Axe InventoryManager Slot5 Bow InventoryManager Slot6 Golden Apple, Food InventoryManager Slot7 Splash Potion, Ender Pearl InventoryManager Slot8 Water Bucket, Block InventoryManager Slot9 Block InventoryMove Undetectable false InventoryMove AACAdditionPro false InventoryMove NoMoveClicks false ItemTeleport Mode New ItemTeleport ResetAfterTP true ItemTeleport Button Middle KeepAlive Mode /heal Kick Mode PacketSpam KillAura MaxCPS 12 KillAura MinCPS 8 KillAura HurtTime 9 KillAura Range 4.35 KillAura ThroughWallsRange 3.0 KillAura RangeSprintReducement 0.0 KillAura Priority Direction KillAura TargetMode Switch KillAura Swing true KillAura KeepSprint true KillAura AutoBlock AfterTick KillAura InteractAutoBlock false KillAura BlockRate 100 KillAura RayCast false KillAura RayCastIgnored false KillAura LivingRayCast false KillAura AAC true KillAura MaxTurnSpeed 30.0 KillAura MinTurnSpeed 20.0 KillAura SilentRotation true KillAura Strafe Silent KillAura RandomCenter false KillAura Outborder false KillAura FOV 180.0 KillAura Predict false KillAura MaxPredictSize 1.5 KillAura MinPredictSize 1.0 KillAura FailRate 0.0 KillAura FakeSwing false KillAura NoInvAttack false KillAura NoInvDelay 0 KillAura LimitedMultiTargets 0 KillAura Mark true KillAura FakeSharp true LiquidChat JWT false LiquidWalk Mode NCP LiquidWalk NoJump false LiquidWalk AACFlyMotion 0.5 LongJump Mode AACv2 LongJump NCPBoost 4.25 LongJump AutoJump false NoFall Mode SpoofGround NoFall MinMLGHeight 5.0 NoPitchLimit ServerSide true NoRotateSet Confirm true NoRotateSet ConfirmIllegalRotation false NoRotateSet NoZero false NoSlow BlockForwardMultiplier 1.0 NoSlow BlockStrafeMultiplier 1.0 NoSlow ConsumeForwardMultiplier 0.2 NoSlow ConsumeStrafeMultiplier 0.2 NoSlow BowForwardMultiplier 0.2 NoSlow BowStrafeMultiplier 0.2 NoSlow Packet true NoSlow Soulsand false NoSlow LiquidPush true NoSlowBreak Air true NoSlowBreak Water false NoWeb Mode None Nuker Radius 5.2 Nuker ThroughWalls false Nuker Priority Distance Nuker Rotations true Nuker Layer false Nuker HitDelay 4 Nuker Nuke 1 Nuker NukeDelay 1 Phase Mode Vanilla PingSpoof MinDelay 500 PingSpoof MaxDelay 1000 Reach CombatReach 3.5 Reach BuildReach 5.0 Regen Mode Vanilla Regen Health 18 Regen Food 18 Regen Speed 100 Regen NoAir false Regen PotionEffect false ReverseStep Motion 1.0 SafeWalk AirSafe false Scaffold Mode Expand Scaffold MaxDelay 0 Scaffold MinDelay 0 Scaffold PlaceableDelay false Scaffold AutoBlock Spoof Scaffold Sprint false Scaffold Swing true Scaffold Search false Scaffold Down true Scaffold PlaceTiming Post Scaffold Eagle Normal Scaffold BlocksToEagle 0 Scaffold EagleEdgeDistance 0.2 Scaffold ExpandLength 1 Scaffold RotationStrafe true Scaffold RotationMode StaticYaw Scaffold SilentRotation true Scaffold KeepRotation true Scaffold KeepRotationLength 0 Scaffold StaticPitchOffset 83.2 Scaffold StaticYawOffset 45.0 Scaffold xzRange 0.0 Scaffold yRange 0.8 Scaffold SearchAccuracy 16 Scaffold MaxTurnSpeed 180.0 Scaffold MinTurnSpeed 180.0 Scaffold Zitter false Scaffold ZitterMode Teleport Scaffold ZitterSpeed 0.13 Scaffold ZitterStrength 0.072 Scaffold Timer 1.0 Scaffold SpeedModifier 0.0 Scaffold Slow false Scaffold SlowSpeed 0.6 Scaffold SameY false Scaffold SafeWalk false Scaffold AirSafe false Scaffold Counter true Scaffold Mark false ServerCrasher Mode Book SkinDerp Delay 0 SkinDerp Hat true SkinDerp Jacket true SkinDerp LeftPants true SkinDerp RightPants true SkinDerp LeftSleeve true SkinDerp RightSleeve true SlimeJump Motion 0.42 SlimeJump Mode Add Sneak Mode MineSecure Sneak StopMove false Speed Mode NCPBHop Speed CustomSpeed 1.6 Speed CustomY 0.0 Speed CustomTimer 1.0 Speed CustomStrafe true Speed CustomResetXZ false Speed CustomResetY false Speed AAC-PortLength 1.0 Speed AACGround-Timer 3.0 Speed CubeCraft-PortLength 1.0 Speed MineplexGround-Speed 0.5 Sprint AllDirections true Sprint Blindness true Sprint Food true Sprint CheckServerSide false Sprint CheckServerSideOnlyGround false Step Mode NCP Step Height 1.0 Step JumpHeight 0.42 Step Delay 0 SuperKnockback HurtTime 10 TNTBlock Fuse 10 TNTBlock Range 9.0 TNTBlock AutoSword true Teams ScoreboardTeam true Teams Color true Teams GommeSW false Teleport IgnoreNoCollision true Teleport Mode Blink Teleport Button Middle Timer Speed 2.0 Timer OnMove true Tower Mode Motion Tower AutoBlock true Tower StayAutoBlock false Tower Swing true Tower StopWhenBlockAbove false Tower Rotations true Tower KeepRotation false Tower OnJump false Tower PlaceTiming Post Tower Timer 1.0 Tower JumpMotion 0.42 Tower JumpDelay 0 Tower ConstantMotion 0.42 Tower ConstantMotionJumpGround 0.79 Tower TeleportHeight 1.15 Tower TeleportDelay 0 Tower TeleportGround true Tower TeleportNoMotion false Tower Counter true Trigger MaxCPS 8 Trigger MinCPS 5 Velocity Horizontal 0.0 Velocity Vertical 0.0 Velocity Mode AACPush Velocity ReverseStrength 1.0 Velocity SmoothReverseStrength 0.05 Velocity AACPushXZReducer 2.0 Velocity AACPushYReducer true WallClimb Mode Simple WallClimb ClipMode Fast WallClimb CheckerClimbMotion 0.0 WaterSpeed Speed 1.2 Zoot BadEffects true Zoot Fire true Zoot NoAir false
So I took your config as a basis, and adjusted it a little.
More precisely: Changed the function of Killaura, LongJump, Criticals