Intave Config
For some reason the online configs people post for Intave anti-cheat never seem to work well or flags a bit so I am going to post my own config for Intave (note: not taking credit for the config, just an edited version of the online Intave config at the time of this post, which was made by SydniGleichner5). It should work fine, even my account that has a low trust factor (if they still have that feature) bypasses it decently well with this config. Also, you can probably edit the chest stealer if you have low ping, I have high ping which messes up the chest stealer checks for some reason (flags even when I am legit lol).
Note to SydniGleichner5: The autoblock you have does not work, Intave simply blocks the damage resistance when you have full autoblock, but doesn't flag (I think, unless they changed the checks).
Config (all automatically enabled modules should work):
You can always make a pull for it in LiquidCloud
Never heard of LiquidCloud, where is that?
Alright, thanks.