5 May 2021, 17:05
@der said in how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea:
compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:api-2.0-22541fa70f-1' with compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:-SNAPSHOT'
@der said in how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea:
compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:api-2.0-22541fa70f-1' with compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:-SNAPSHOT'
@der Cannot start process, the working directory
does not exist
@der do I need to write something in the terminal?
can someone write a full tutorial on how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea and run
* Decompiled with CFR 0.150.
package flashy;
import flashy.Bz;
import flashy.a2;
import flashy.oM;
import flashy.w;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
* Illegal identifiers - consider using --renameillegalidents true
public class zz {
public static final /* synthetic */ boolean \u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003;
public static final /* synthetic */ char[] a;
private static final /* synthetic */ long b;
* Handled impossible loop by adding 'first' condition
* Enabled aggressive block sorting
public static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ String a(String string) {
long l2 = b ^ (0xD2C86B19A5A9CD7CL ^ 0xD2C86EFC0E5F36A6L);
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
oM[] arroM = Bz.v();
char[] arrc = string.toCharArray();
int n2 = arrc.length;
int n3 = (int)((long)-1909779794 ^ (long)-1909779794);
boolean bl2 = true;
do {
char c2;
if (bl2 && !(bl2 = false) && arroM == null) continue;
if (zz.a(c2 = arrc[n3])) {
} while (n3 < n2);
return stringBuilder.toString();
* Enabled aggressive block sorting
* Enabled unnecessary exception pruning
* Enabled aggressive exception aggregation
public static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ boolean a(char c2) {
int n2;
block12: {
long l2 = b ^ (0x5A9822817188D5DEL ^ 0x5A98250F6D151F22L);
oM[] arroM = Bz.v();
try {
try {
block16: {
try {
block15: {
try {
block14: {
try {
block13: {
try {
n2 = c2;
if (arroM != null) return n2 != 0;
if (n2 == (int)((long)619254010 ^ (long)619253853)) break block12;
if (!\u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003) break block13;
throw null;
catch (w w2) {
throw w2;
n2 = c2;
if (arroM != null) return n2 != 0;
if (!\u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003) break block14;
throw null;
catch (w w3) {
throw w3;
if (n2 < (int)((long)-911020101 ^ (long)-911020133)) break block12;
if (!\u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003) break block15;
throw null;
catch (w w4) {
throw w4;
n2 = c2;
if (arroM != null) return n2 != 0;
if (!\u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003) break block16;
throw null;
catch (w w5) {
throw w5;
if (n2 == (int)((long)-130053451 ^ (long)-130053430)) break block12;
if (!\u200a\u200b\u200d\u200b\u2002\u200c\u2003) return (int)((long)-739595999 ^ (long)-739596000) != 0;
throw null;
catch (w w6) {
throw w6;
catch (w w7) {
throw w7;
n2 = (int)((long)-553708544 ^ (long)-553708544);
return n2 != 0;
static /* synthetic */ {
b = a2.a(0xFB782F1D547D4470L ^ 0xF7E2D6242FE7D413L, 0x1B961AA9565F4A27L ^ 0x3FF8C95AF6C87003L, MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()).a(0x8239546C8C8A433BL ^ 0x823903C9C9C05C7BL);
char[] arrc = new char[(int)((long)393390194 ^ (long)393390205)];
arrc[(int)((long)-342272775 ^ (long)-342272775)] = (int)((long)1486092553 ^ (long)1486092582);
arrc[(int)((long)21163935 ^ (long)21163934)] = (int)((long)-2020337906 ^ (long)-2020337916);
arrc[(int)((long)1286559951 ^ (long)1286559949)] = (int)((long)-366837082 ^ (long)-366837077);
arrc[(int)((long)695004165 ^ (long)695004166)] = (int)((long)-1297937391 ^ (long)-1297937384);
arrc[(int)((long)1300225842 ^ (long)1300225847)] = (int)((long)-1300391340 ^ (long)-1300391336);
arrc[(int)((long)18319126 ^ (long)18319120)] = (int)((long)1182692663 ^ (long)1182692695);
arrc[(int)((long)150193183 ^ (long)150193176)] = (int)((long)1071707487 ^ (long)1071707488);
arrc[(int)((long)316603342 ^ (long)316603334)] = (int)((long)358308712 ^ (long)358308674);
arrc[(int)((long)-767593949 ^ (long)-767593942)] = (int)((long)-1829958535 ^ (long)-1829958619);
arrc[(int)((long)-1060803164 ^ (long)-1060803154)] = (int)((long)61787899 ^ (long)61787847);
arrc[(int)((long)637143164 ^ (long)637143159)] = (int)((long)204591198 ^ (long)204591200);
arrc[(int)((long)1314344723 ^ (long)1314344735)] = (int)((long)1480305025 ^ (long)1480305149);
arrc[(int)((long)-1651303775 ^ (long)-1651303764)] = (int)((long)1556990826 ^ (long)1556990792);
arrc[(int)((long)-599096956 ^ (long)-599096950)] = (int)((long)1603105690 ^ (long)1603105696);
a = arrc;
@plumer-man @plumer-man i need liquidbounce client dounload(link)