1 Apr 2021, 15:07
@czechhek yes thats wat happened btw love ur scripts
@czechhek yes thats wat happened btw love ur scripts
@asutoboki lmfaoooo tysm (im dumb)
@potatopotato dont use liquid for 1.12.2 especialy anarquy
@wowiesocl wdym make a config ? only thing i want is turn on autoblock witch doesnt work as stated in this post : https://forums.ccbluex.net/topic/1765/autoblock
when i try to turn autoblock under killaura on it instantly disables it. i dont know y tf it happens plz someone help me
im using multiple scripts ( like 20 ) so maybe its bc of that but idk rly
hope someone helps me !
@عميل-سيجما-الله im using j75 config
but it no work
i need a good hvh ka and a working phase and no more, can be a script or a config