What method should I call to get the avatar of the account I am logged in to and draw it in the mainmenu, like this?
mike melony
Draw MainMenu -
NEED HELP (Kotlin code)ok change “0F” to "0". that 's ok
NEED HELP (Kotlin code)@larissa 不支持
NEED HELP (Kotlin code)
I don't know how to use the opposite number of kotlin
Percentage of velocity simple modeFirst plz put the following code
override val tag: String get() = modeValue.get()
override val tag: String get() = if(modeValue.get() == "Simple") "${horizontalValue.get()}% ${verticalValue.get()}%" else modeValue.get()
Then you'll get an ArrayList like this
(plz don't say I'm a skider. I just sent it when no one sent it XDDD
Array list help -
PlayerListWho has this source code of playerlist, just like the figure below, thank u very much
NoFall mode@0x64 If it's work,thx a lot
NoFall modewho has the Edit Nofall mode,plz give us thx
How to add killaura's rotation mode?@xinepeng No, I haven't added it yet
How to add killaura's rotation mode?I have some novoline and Exhibition rotation source code, but I don't know how to add rotation mode to Killaura
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ do u have discord?
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ How did you do it
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ Wuwuwu idk
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ I don't understand skid:(
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ ncp:(
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ Maybe something is wrong with the watchdog.kt file:)
/* * LiquidBounce Hacked Client * A free open source mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge. * https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce/ */ package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.movement.speeds.ncp; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.MoveEvent; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.movement.speeds.SpeedMode; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils; public class Watchdog extends SpeedMode { public Watchdog() { super("Watchdog"); } @Override public void onMotion() { if(mc.thePlayer.isInWater()) return; if(MovementUtils.isMoving()) { if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) mc.thePlayer.jump(); else MovementUtils.strafe(MovementUtils.getSpeed() * 1.311F); }else{ mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0D; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0D; } } @Override public void onUpdate() { } @Override public void onMove(MoveEvent event) { } }
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ watchdog.kt
Speed Mode@_simonclient_
But that's what it looks like after it's registered -
Speed Mode@_simonclient_ speed.kt?