Oh, i missread it.
"javaSOCKET RESET" is basicly the anticheat kickreason so adjust your settings.
And also which settings were you using? You could try the autosettings with
.settings load mccentral-sw
how do i use lb on mccedntral without getting javaSOCKET RESET24 Jun 2020, 13:26 -
Was CCBlueX/Marco swatted?14 Jul 2020, 15:58Just to update this and clarify misinformation.
Marco's not in custody. But yes, his room was searched by the police and his laptop etc. was taken.
But he's fine.
He even streamed on the CCBlueX channel yesterday.
So yes, its likely that he will continue with Liquidbounce.
Just please don't annoy him about that stuff, thanks. -
A though about (skidding?) bypasses30 Jun 2020, 07:27Making a proxy that listens to your packets isnt hard.
But yes, it would still be skidding cause you copy the values from other people.
packet snif – 00:59
— scorpion3013 -
Live code lb10 Jul 2020, 14:47Run in debug and use ctrl + shift + F9 to hotswap (can fail when bigger changes are done)
how to change every code in flux hack client ?15 Nov 2020, 16:20What a shitty post
Using shops all over the map9 Apr 2021, 15:26@dontsendmeshit Thats already a thing, its called keepcontainer i think, Insert key is used to reopen the inventory
Mojang to Microsoft accounts21 Oct 2020, 17:44 -
скажите что делать не бьет киллаура и не работает esp2 Nov 2020, 03:59I'm going to ban you guys if you write in russian again.
Patching Liquidbounce24 Jul 2020, 17:13@LoveDucks you are just too stupid to use it.
help30 Jun 2020, 07:18@idkmyname you need a jdk like 1.8.xxx , you are using 14 that wont work with minecraft.
You can download one through intellij.
will lB be with money3 Jul 2020, 16:48But you can donate cough https://liquidbounce.net/donate cough
How to get recourse packs working?29 Jul 2020, 10:29The current LiquidBounce 1.12.2 version has a bug related to the resourcepack selection.
The new 1.12.2 version will fix that bug. -
yorik100's aac4packet & hover criticals (gone wrong???)19 Dec 2020, 10:27@ohno fixed formating.
Module Sounds24 Sept 2020, 08:35cmd gang -
[SCRIPT] BridgeHelper 1.0.014 Oct 2020, 03:58How about you submit your script to the script website? https://liquidbounce.net/scripts/
Where is the module code on LiquidBounce? -
What is the normal hitbox for a player?6 Dec 2020, 00:46@muffy The hitbox module extends the hitbox of entities. So 0 would be normal.
How to get the player looking pos?7 Aug 2020, 21:30Just take a look at the teleport class of LiquidBounce, you should be able to find the code that gets the block you are looking at and how to determine the distance to it.
By the way, if you want to teleport more than 10 blocks, you have to send several packets.