[Script]Some Script Example for scriptAPI V2 (lb b72+)
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "ExapmleScript", version: "1.0", authors: ["As丶One"] }); script.on("enable", function () {}); script.on("disable", function () {}); script.on("load", function () {}); script.registerModule({ name: "ExapmleModule", description: "ExapmleModule By As丶One", category: "Fun", tag: "I am a tag", settings: { Boolean: Setting.boolean({ name: "BooleanValue", default: true }), Integer: Setting.integer({ name: "IntegerValue", default: 5, min: 0, max: 10 }), Float: Setting.float({ name: "FloatValue", default: 3.24, min: 0.01, max: 6.25 }), Text: Setting.text({ name: "TextValue", default: "TextValue" }), Block: Setting.block({ name: "BlockValue", default: 26 }), List: Setting.list({ name: "ListValue", values: ["Hi", "Hello"], default: "Hello" }) } }, function (module) { module.on("enable", function () { module.settings.Text.set("Hi,I am enabled") module.tag = "Enabled" chat.print(module.settings.Text.get()) }); module.on("disable", function () { module.settings.Text.set("Hi,I am disabled") module.tag = "Disabled" chat.print(module.settings.Text.get()) }); module.on("update", function () {}); module.on("motion", function (event) { var eventState = event.getEventState() }); module.on("render2D", function (event) { var partialTicks = event.getPartialTicks() }); module.on("render3D", function (event) { var partialTicks = event.getPartialTicks() }); module.on("packet", function (event) { //event.cancelEvent() //event.isCancelled() var packet = event.getPacket() }); module.on("jump", function (event) { /* event.cancelEvent() event.isCancelled() var motion = event.getMotion() event.setMotion(0.42) */ }); module.on("attack", function (event) { var targetEntity = event.getTargetEntity() }); module.on("key", function (event) { var pressedKey = event.getKey() }); module.on("move", function (event) { /* var x = event.getX() var y = event.getY() var z = event.getZ() var isSafeWalk = event.isSafeWalk() event.setX(0) event.setY(0) event.setZ(0) event.setSafeWalk(true) event.zero() event.zeroXZ() event.cancelEvent() */ }); module.on("step", function (event) { var stepHeight = event.getStepHeight() }); module.on("stepConfirm", function () {}); module.on("world", function (event) { var worldClient = event.getWorldClient() }); module.on("session", function (event) {}); module.on("clickBlock", function (event) { var clickedBlock = event.getClickedBlock(); var enumFacing = event.getEnumFacing() }); module.on("strafe", function (event) { var strafe = event.getStrafe(); var forward = event.getForward(); var friction = event.getFriction(); //event.cancelEvent() }); module.on("slowDown", function (event) { var strafe = event.getStrafe(); var forward = event.getForward(); //event.setForward(1); //event.setStrafe(1); }); });
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "ExapmleScript", version: "1.0", authors: ["As丶One"] }); script.registerCommand({ name: "ExampleCommand", aliases: ["ExampleCommand"] }, function (command) { command.on("execute", function (args) { chat.print("Jump !") mc.thePlayer.jump(); }); });
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "ExapmleScript", version: "1.0", authors: ["As丶One"] }); script.registerTab({ name: "ExampleTab", icon: "apple", items: [ Item.create("dirt"), Item.create("skull 1 3 {display:{Name:\"Chimney\"},SkullOwner:{Id:\"2a0069a3-30a6-4aa6-b0ae-d31f1bd777f3\",Properties:{textures:[{Value:\"eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjk5NTljYjk5YzY5ZjA3MzE2YWUxNGY4OWVlMjU0YTAwMzRkOTFkMThiMTZmMGM5NDBiOTNjZDUzMjUzNjQ1MSJ9fX0=\"}]}}}") ] });
Offical Example Scripts:https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce-ScriptAPI/tree/master/examples
Offical Documentation:https://liquidbounce.net/docs/ScriptAPI/Getting Started -
cool (fuck my comment need to have 8 characters or more)
pretty good
Scripts that use the New Script API should start with the following line:
/// api_version=2
If this line is missing, the script will be ran with legacy support, and might not work correctly.
I have edited your post to respect this. -
thank you