edit sign text how to
DreamWasFuckedwrote on 4 Jul 2021, 10:52 last edited by DreamWasFucked 7 Apr 2021, 12:54
i tried to use C12PacketUpdateSign but it doesnt work@EventTarget fun onPacket(event: PacketEvent) { val packet = event.packet if (packet is C12PacketUpdateSign) { // like packet.text = "lolxdsex" } }
i also tried to use TileEntitySign.signText
you cant edit text of placed sign, its serverside
is there any way to put a sign already with text or paste text?
@auto-reply-bot there is, just place some sign with a text on it and press crtl + middle mouse button and it should save the sign with nbt tags so you can place it with text
survival gaymode
@auto-reply-bot lol just log your packets when you place a sign, what's problem?
ok but how to change
You mean client-side?
modify the part that says something likeif (destroyStage < 0) { for (int j = 0; j < te.signText.length; ++j) { int i1 = j * 10 - te.signText.length * 5; if (te.signText[j] != null) { IChatComponent ichatcomponent = te.signText[j]; List<IChatComponent> list = GuiUtilRenderComponents.func_178908_a(ichatcomponent, 90, fontrenderer, false, true); String s = list != null && list.size() > 0 ? list.get(0).getFormattedText() : ""; if (j == te.lineBeingEdited) { s = "> " + s + " <"; fontrenderer.drawString(s, -fontrenderer.getStringWidth(s) / 2, i1, i); } else { fontrenderer.drawString(s, -fontrenderer.getStringWidth(s) / 2, i1, i); } } } }
To what ever you want in fontrenderer.drawString
https://wiki.wurstclient.net/autosign something like this
@auto-reply-bot wurst is open source bruh
@auto-reply-bot https://github.com/Wurst-Imperium/Wurst7/blob/master/src/main/java/net/wurstclient/mixin/SignEditScreenMixin.java
bruhbruhbruh -
bruh thx