So I made another AutoInsult
Thanks @CzechHek for answering my questionsFeatures:
- Formats links so chat filters won't cancel your shit
- Option to add own insult list via file
- Some commands to modify and download shit, idk if you need them tbh
- Different detection modes
- Very customizable
- Fancy settings? Idk I think they're!
Big advantage?
You can input any link combined with a message,
meaning you don't have to "only send links" or "only send insults" you can combine both in one file, even in one message -
The link stays clickable (for you) even with custom formatting!
Your file could look like this:
1| lmao 2| you are dead im alive https://www.examplelink.com 3| https://www.examplelink.com 4| dont even try to join a new round 5| https://www.examplelink.com lmao
To do:
- Fix issues which will come up in future
///api_version=2 (script = registerScript({ name: "AutoInsultReloaded", version: "1.0.3", authors: ["FaaatPotato"] })).import("Core.lib"); Core.updateURL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FaaatPotato/Scripts/main/AutoInsultReloaded.js" ChatComponentText = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText"); ClickEvent = Java.type("net.minecraft.event.ClickEvent"); HoverEvent = Java.type("net.minecraft.event.HoverEvent"); insultDir = new File(LiquidBounce.fileManager.dir, "AutoInsultRL") insultDir.mkdir() var internalInsults = [ "lmao", "your performance was miserable :)", "idk bro not your best day huh", "I, personally, would just surrender.", "normally I would say absolute exquisite beginner", "that game isn't made for you...", "people like you shouldn't play this game.", "listen, go to bed. I already sent you to sleep.", "buddy, try harder next time ig.", "seems like you lost. Must have happened before. Maybe quit?", "seen on a sexual perspective your mom is hot.", "let me give you a little.. live lesson. Live fucks you like I did." ] var sentInsult = false, clientChat, prefix = "§8§l[§c§lAutoInsultRL§8§l]§7 ", formattedInsult, insult, externalFile, userContent, currentTarget; insultValues = [ sectionMode = value.createBoolean("§6§lGeneralConfiguration§f", true, [ detectionMode = value.createList("DetectionMode", ["PacketChat", "Classic"], "PacketChat", { "PacketChat": [ detectionPhrase = new (Java.extend(TextValue)) ("Scan", "killed by") { onChanged: function(o, n) { lookFor = !n.contains(",") ? [n] : n.split(",").unique().filter(function (entry) entry != "") detectionPhrase.set(lookFor.toString()) clearChat(); if (n.toLowerCase() == "reset") detectionPhrase.set("killed by"); addCustomChat(prefix+"Module will search for '§a§l"+lookFor.join("§7' or '§a§l")+"§7' + §a§l"+mc.thePlayer.getName()); } }, ] }), chatParameter = value.createText("Parameter", "!"), value.createSpacer(), insultMode = value.createList("InsultMode", ["Internal", "Custom"], "Internal", { "Custom": [ userFileName = new (Java.extend(ListValue)) ("File", current = Java.from(new File(LiquidBounce.fileManager.dir, "AutoInsultRL").listFiles()).map(function (file) file.getName()).concat(["", "Refresh"]), "") { onChanged: function(o, n) { var updateReflector = new Reflector(userFileName); updateReflector.values = Java.to(Java.from(new File(LiquidBounce.fileManager.dir, "AutoInsultRL").listFiles()).map(function (file) file.getName()).concat(["", "Refresh"]), "java.lang.String[]") if (n == "Refresh" || !n) { userFileName.set(current[0]) } else if (n && !Java.from(insultDir.listFiles()).length) { addCustomChat(prefix+"Couln't find file to read! Create one with '§c§l.rlc§7'", null, null); } else if (n) { clearChat() addCustomChat(prefix+"Checked file format? §a§l[CLICK]", "https://github.com/FaaatPotato/Scripts/blob/main/Tutorials/AutoInsultReloaded", "§a§lClick to view tutorial!") playSound("random.successful_hit") } } } ] }), value.createSpacer(), ]), sectionLinks = value.createBoolean("§6§lFormatConfiguration§f", false, [ formatMode = value.createList("LinkFormatMode", ["§c§lNoFormatting§f", "SurroundDots", "ReplaceDots", "NoDots"], "NoFormatting", { "SurroundDots": surroundWith = value.createList("SurroundWith", ["(.)", "{.}", "[.]", "|.|", "<.>", "*.*", "'.'", "!.!"], "(.)"), "ReplaceDots": replaceWith = value.createList("ReplaceWith", ["!", "+", "-", "^", "`", "'", "°", "?", "~", "#", "<", "=", ">", "$", "&", "%", "²", "³", "*", "|"], "'") }), clickableLink = value.createBoolean("ClickableLink", true) ]) ] function isLink(message) { if (message.contains("http://") || message.contains("https://") || message.contains("www")) { return true; } else return false; } function extractLink(message) { var link = message.split(" ").filter(function (part) isLink(part)) return link; } function addCustomChat(message, URL, hoverText) { if (hoverText === undefined) hoverText = null; if (URL === undefined || URL === null) URL = null; var comp = new ChatComponentText(message) if (URL) { comp.getChatStyle().setChatClickEvent(new ClickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, URL)) if (hoverText) { comp.getChatStyle().setChatHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, new ChatComponentText(hoverText))) } } else if (!URL && hoverText) { comp.getChatStyle().setChatHoverEvent(new HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action.SHOW_TEXT, new ChatComponentText(hoverText))) } mc.thePlayer.addChatMessage(comp) } function sendInsult(targetName) { userContent = Java.from(FileUtils.readLines(new File(insultDir, userFileName.get()))) insult = insultMode.get() == "Internal" || !userContent.length ? internalInsults.random() : userContent.random() if (!isLink(insult)) { //&& (isLink(insult) && formatMode.get() == "NoFormatting") formattedInsult = insult } else { sentInsult = true; switch(formatMode.get()) { case "NoFormatting": formattedInsult = insult; break; case "SurroundDots": formattedInsult = insult.replace(/[.]/g, surroundWith.get()); break; case "ReplaceDots": formattedInsult = insult.replace(/[.]/g, replaceWith.get()); break; case "NoDots": formattedInsult = insult.replace(/[.]/g, "") } } mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage(chatParameter.get()+" "+targetName+" "+formattedInsult) return; } var lookFor = !detectionPhrase.get().contains(",") ? [detectionPhrase.get()] : detectionPhrase.split(",").unique().filter(function (entry) entry != ""); //need to define it here since it only gets defined and updated onChanged RLInsult = { name: "AutoInsultReloaded", category: "Fun", description: "Automatically insults your (dead) opponents", tag: detectionMode.get(), values: insultValues, onPacket: function(e) { var packet = e.getPacket() if (packet instanceof C01PacketChatMessage && mc.thePlayer && sentInsult) { clientChat = packet.getMessage() } if (packet instanceof S02PacketChat) { chatContent = packet.getChatComponent().getUnformattedText() firstElement = chatContent.split(" ")[0]; if (lookFor.some(function (phrase) chatContent.contains(phrase+" "+mc.thePlayer.getName())) && detectionMode.get() == "PacketChat") { sendInsult(firstElement) } if (chatContent.contains(clientChat) && clickableLink.get() && isLink(insult) && sentInsult) { //cancel clientside, resend message with events e.cancelEvent() addCustomChat(packet.getChatComponent().getFormattedText()+" §a§l[OPEN]", extractLink(insult), "§a§lClick me!") sentInsult = false; } } }, onAttack: function(e) { if (e.getTargetEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) currentTarget = e.getTargetEntity() }, onUpdate: function() { if (currentTarget != null && detectionMode.get() == "Classic") { if (currentTarget.isDead || currentTarget.getHealth <= 0 && !mc.thePlayer.getHealth <= 0 && !mc.thePlayer.isDead) { sendInsult(currentTarget.getName()) currentTarget = null return; } } }, onWorld: function() { currentTarget = null; } } RLCreate = { name: "RLCreate", aliases: ["rlc", "rlcreate"], version: script.version, handler: { downloadinsults: function(rawlink, fileName) { var fileToDownload = new File(insultDir, fileName) if (!fileToDownload.exists()) { HttpUtils.download(new URL(rawlink), fileToDownload) addCustomChat(prefix+"Downloaded file! '§a§l"+fileName+"§7'") } else addCustomChat(prefix+"File already exists! '§c§l"+fileName+"§7'") }, addlineto: function(fileName, content) { var fileToAppend = new File(insultDir, fileName) if (fileToAppend.exists()) addCustomChat(prefix+"Added to file! '§a§l"+fileName+"§7'", null, null); else addCustomChat(prefix+"Created and added to file! '§a§l"+fileName+"§7'", null, null); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fileToAppend, content+"\n", true) }, del: function(fileName) { var fileToDelete = new File(insultDir, fileName) if (fileToDelete.exists()) { fileToDelete.delete() addCustomChat(prefix+"Deleted file! '§c§l"+fileName+"§7'") } else addCustomChat(prefix+"Couldn't find file! '§c§l"+fileName+"§7'", null, null) }, delall: function() { var files = Java.from(insultDir.listFiles()) if (files.length) { files.map(function (file) file.delete()) addCustomChat(prefix+"Deleted all files! §a§l[Hover]", null, "§a§l"+files.map(function (file) file.getName()).join("§a§l, ")) } else addCustomChat(prefix+"No files found! '§c§l"+insultDir+"§7'") }, folder: function() { openFolder(insultDir) } }, onTabComplete: function(args) { if (args[0] == "del" || args[0] == "addlineto" && args.length < 3) return Java.from(insultDir.listFiles()).map(function (file) file.getName()); } } command = [RLCreate] module = [RLInsult]
FaaatPotatoreplied to FaaatPotato on 6 Jan 2023, 02:43 last edited by FaaatPotato 1 Jun 2023, 23:39
Update v1.0.3
Changelog v1.0.3: * added support for multiple detection phrases -> usage: .autoinsultreloaded scan phrase1,phrase2,phrase3,... * fixed bug where insultmode classic would insult targets even if player dead * fixed bug where insultmode classic would insult yourself :axolaughter: * added autoupdate url * minor code adjustements
Update v1.0.6
Changelog v1.0.4-1.0.6 * added insult queue -> Insult targets even if chat filter detects "chatting too fast" * added option to find target if it isn't the first element in chat -> select index if message captured * expanded internal insults * MORE CUSTOMIZATION YEAHHHH
To do:
- Use actual queue class instead of the one i made out of arrays
- Fix bug where multiple detectionphrases wont get used on startup (have to reset them manually rn)
- Use actual queue class instead of the one i made out of arrays
@FaaatPotato Can you add a feature to randomize the string into random characters like: "dont even try next time" -> "𝗱o𝗻t e𝘃en t𝗿y ne𝘅𝘁 𝘁im𝗲" to bypass more advanced filters?
@Systemless you mean replacing some characters of the string with random ones? Or just swapping some (wouldn't be readable so ig just replacing)
Ye I could do that
@FaaatPotato random ones that dont use the same like char like: 𝗱 and d
@Systemless ahhhh alternative letters that arent the normal ones. Yes pretty good idea, i'll add it if i find time
9 96DMG referenced this topic on 7 Jul 2023, 18:29
@kumri-owo take a look at this post. You're welcome.