[SCRIPT]AutoInsultReloadedAPIv2 | Port: Core -> APIv2
What is AutoInsultReloaded?
Another port...
It is an AutoInsult which is very customizable. It supports links and has some serious formatting settings (e.g. Hyperlink ...). It allows own insult lists. It allows mixed messages.
Thats how a link looks to every user:
Actually I am too lazy to type the whole introduction again so look at this post for full detail.
Have fun
(let me know if it has any issues, besides the known ones)
Another Update
Now you can use the option CustomAlphabet which allows you to replace characters in your insult with custom letters.
A **.txt has to be placed in the AutoInsultRL folder. It has to be selected ingame.
A few working ones:
circled.txt small.txt squiggly1.txt squiggly2.txt squiggly3.txt thin.txtLatest:
AutoInsultReloadedAPIV2.js -
Minor update
Custom alphabets must now be put in one single file. Each one must be placed in a seperate file. The file is created automatically.