Just flew in Hive Bedwars
Hive is closing in like a week but maybe that might be helpful for hacks that work on other servers.
Using teleport-hit on hive bedwars works well if it's not overused, sometimes when I hit people from far away I fly to them and land maybe 10 blocks behind them.
I don't know what exactly causes me to get boosted and fly but it works and I don't get kicked.
(When I use teleport-hit and the player doesn't take damage and then I hit them again normally let's say 5 sec later, I also get boosted and fly into the air.)
Maybe there could be a fly module that works using teleporthit and makes u fly whenever u hit people from far away. Obviously only on servers where u can use teleporthit
If this is completely useless, just ignore. I don't know anything about coding and how realistic that is.
@dontsendmeshit Just use AACv3 longjump
@femboy that works for u on hive? I get bugged back
@dontsendmeshit It's bipolar
@femboy ah