how to fix this build error?
@der Forge updated their servers. Building LiquidBounce 1.8.9 is no longer possible as far as I know (At least not without applying the proper fixes).
@ohno Links?
@yex-hex No?
@ohno Then at least tell me how to put the newest forgegradle into liquidbounce src
@mems it works thanks
Official Sigmemerreplied to mems on 30 Apr 2021, 17:15 last edited by Official Sigmemer
@mems I get 90 compilekotlin errors and 28 compilejava errors and when the instance launches it doesn't have liquidbounce as a mod and when I try and load into a world it instanly crashes my game, what should I do? Do I Need A DIfferent JRE or JDK or JVM?
Dm me on discord Yex#8555, Thanks! -
@mems someone is retarded ( @liulihaocai-0 )