CrackPixel Step
@natalka sharpie did i didn't my guy
@natalka so you are saying that this step flags but you can't show evidence?
@skiddermaster412 So you expect me to get kicked from crackpixel just because I can show some kid logs? Wow... Your logic is still surprising me
@natalka i think crackpixel would be better without you in the team
@natalka you wouldn't loose much from getting kicked from a server with like 25 players (?) but as far as I can see you are pretty satisfied from arguing with random people (without arguments may I add)
oh btw, think twice before calling people children when you don't know the current century and 5th grade math
@hahayes 60 players*. The server is fairly new, you can't expect to be hypixel v2, looking forward to new bypasses that DON'T silently flag!
@natalka no one is expecting hypixel v2 from a server completely copying hypixel, also let me remind you no one will actually waste time trying find bypass for a server at that scale
@hahayes im sorri
@mems you should be
@hahayes i didnt mean to sir pls dont make drama pls pls pls
@mems you will get cancelled on twitter and I'll see you at work
@hahayes oh my god pls no
Btw. does anyone know why hypixel doesn't sue servers such as crackpixel or even derpmc for copyrights? xD