Scripting not working
Hello, i decided to try and make a script, and it does not work.
Any idea why?script.registerModule({ name: "CurrentCoords", category: "Misc", description: "Displays Current Coords.", tag: "Test", settings: { myBooleanSetting: Setting.boolean({ name: "Print Coords In Chat.", default: true }) } }, function(module) { module.on("enable", function() { Chat.print("Coords will now be printed."); var xcoor = eventData.getX(); var ycoor = eventData.gety(); var zcoor = eventData.getz(); var formattedmsg = xcoor + "§7 /§f " + ycoor + "§7 /§f " + zcoor; Chat.print("§f[XYZ]: "); } }); };
@realfx try to register it bruh, it only register module, not the script itself