taking 0 kb with any settings in hypixel
@mems i just want to take less kb i get no shit of coding
@vapeisexpensive You can't, unless you want to edit the Explosion packet code in the Velocity module.
vincireplied to A Former User on 5 Aug 2021, 15:25 last edited by vinci 8 May 2021, 17:28
here you go/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "HypikleVelo", version: "1.0", authors: ["nvinci"] }); var S27 = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.server.S27PacketExplosion"); var S12 = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.server.S12PacketEntityVelocity"); script.registerModule({ name: "HypikleVelo", category: "Combat", description: "grr", settings: { horizontal: Setting.float({ name: "Horizontal", default: 100.0, min: 0.0, max: 100.0 }) } }, function(module) { module.on('packet', function(e) { try { packet = e.getPacket(); if (packet instanceof S12) { packet.motionX *= module.settings.horizontal.get() / 100.0; packet.motionZ *= module.settings.horizontal.get() / 100.0; } else if (packet instanceof S27) { // too lazy to use core's reflector var motionX_fid = packet.class.getDeclaredField("field_149152_f"); var motionZ_fid = packet.class.getDeclaredField("field_149159_h"); motionX_fid.setAccessible(true); motionZ_fid.setAccessible(true); motionX_fid.setFloat(packet, motionX_fid.get(packet) * (module.settings.horizontal.get() / 100.0)); motionZ_fid.setFloat(packet, motionZ_fid.get(packet) * (module.settings.horizontal.get() / 100.0)); motionX_fid.setAccessible(false); motionZ_fid.setAccessible(false); } } catch (err) { Chat.print(err); }; }); });
@nvinci how can i add it ?
@vapeisexpensive it's a script, if you don't how to add scripts, follow this tutorial here
@nvinci this dont work lmfao i try it
not cool bro
@ender1355 ???
@vapeisexpensive u swore, its not cool
@nvinci this dont work lmfao i try it
can you be more specific?
@nvinci there is only horiz and it dont work like i take full kb with any settings
@vapeisexpensive bRo 2 SwEaR LiMiT
@00 stfu
@vapeisexpensive wat
@nvinci does that work ?
i test it in B73 and it didnt