(Scaffold) "Rotations" module needs to be fixed/updated.
For some reason when I scaffold on a server named "Poke's Testserver" and use the Rotations option along with KeepRotation + Length value to 0 with AAC as an anticheat, it shows this:
and AAC's not the only one so far, another anticheat named "Twilight" is also flagging for the same reason, but in different words:
Possible to fix this problem? If so, it'd be nice so they look even more "realistic" -
lmao thats not the clients fault. they just havent updated their scaffold rotations in a while.
AAC is flagging because of RotationStrafe not being in Scaffold and Twilight is flagging for interract, the flags are very differents
So... Rotations is not a problem then ? Just the anticheats?
EDIT: Because I tested without Scaffold, and no "invalid block placement" or "tried to place wood on wood out of sight" Maybe the Rotations module is not the problem, but I think developers should take their time to update the "facing angles" or simply the way the player faces the next block he's about to place. That's how I call them, idk what you call them on Minecraft but I'm sure you understand what I am trying to say
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@mems you mean custom rotations?
@yorik100 And actually, this is almost 100% true.
Video with a Custom LiquidBounce
EDIT: As you developers added the "Strafe" option in KillAura, you could also add a "Strafe" option in Scaffold too like those strafe things on the Custom version of LiquidBounce.
which one
@XxcoolboyxX, this one. Make sure to choose the 1.9 version option.
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