[RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 )
@hunter171 I found a problem in the obfuscation i can help with it.'
You should rename the function's and variables to make it harder to deobfYou should also not use switch as its a lot easier to deobf when they are present.
Btw you have an unused import
Is used once to get time but the code isnt even used. Im assuming you were making a hud script but gave up on the hud part.
var AntiBot = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(291)); var S03PacketTimeUpdate = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(332)); var Fonts = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts"); var Color = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(373)); var ScaledResolution = Java.type(Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xb8")); var GL11 = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); var Gui = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui"); Client = new Client; var Keyboard = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x110")); var EntityUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(205)); var EntityPlayer = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer"); var ESP = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.render.ESP"); var LiquidBounce = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xb3")); var ItemStack = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xe3")); var ItemBlock = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xd3")); var RenderHelper = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(304)); var GlStateManager = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(203)); var EntityLivingBase = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(169)); var ResourceLocation = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation"); var Minecraft = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var MovementUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(257)); var OpenGlHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper"); var ServerUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(431)); var ColorUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.ColorUtils"); Minecraft = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var Display = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display"); var System = Java.type("java.lang.System"); var MathHelper = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(336));
Semi deobf
https://paste.ccbluex.net/53ebf3452 -
@czechhek said in [RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 ):
nO bAd wOrdS tHiS iS a fRieNdLy cOmMuniTy
this.onLoad = function () { chat.print('Anti Skid By Hunter171'); }
var script = registerScript({ name: "Real TargetHUD", version: "Beta", authors: ["Hunter171"] }); var target; var gettarget; var show_hp_pos; var show_hp_pos_smooth; var Meshow_armor_pos; var entity; var getentity; var Meshow_hp_pos; var targetOnGround; var r; var g; var b; var c; var str = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; var AntiBot = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.AntiBot"); var Fonts = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts"); var Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color"); var ScaledResolution = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution"); var GL11 = Java.type("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); var Gui = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui"); var Client = new Client; var Client; var EntityUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.EntityUtils"); var EntityPlayer = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer"); var ESP = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.render.ESP"); var LiquidBounce = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce"); var RenderHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper"); var GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager"); var EntityLivingBase = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase"); var ResourceLocation = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation"); var Minecraft = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var MovementUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils"); var OpenGlHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper"); var ColorUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.ColorUtils"); var MathHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.MathHelper"); function Client() { var imperia; var shondel; var clareen; var targetHUD = value.createList("TargetHUD", ["Health", "Exhibition", "Novoline", "Flux", "Astolfo", "ValuedValueTH", "Smoke", "Moon", "0x01a4", "Dortware Old", "Dortware New"], "Health"); var x = value.createInteger("X", 0, -400, 400); var y = value.createInteger("Y", 0, -400, 400); var jarquez = []; var sanaah = []; var katonya = []; this.getName = function() { return "TargetHUD"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "TargetHUD script by Hunter171."; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Fun"; }; this.getTag = function() { return targetHUD.get(); }; this.addValues = function(values) { values.add(targetHUD); values.add(x); values.add(y); }; this.onEnable = function() { playerInfo = 0; myping = 0; jarquez = []; sanaah = []; katonya = []; target = null; entity = null; imperia = 0; shondel = []; gettarget = null; getentity = null; show_hp_pos = 0; show_hp_pos_smooth = 0; Meshow_hp_pos = 0; Meshow_armor_pos = 0; }; this.onLoad = function() { chat.print("Anti Skid By Hunter171"); }; this.onDisable = function() { imperia = 0; shondel = []; }; this.onPacket = function(rayeanna) { clareen = rayeanna.getPacket(); if (clareen instanceof S03PacketTimeUpdate) shondel.push(System.currentTimeMillis()); }; this.onAttack = function(event) { var entity = event.getTargetEntity(); if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { target = entity; gettarget = entity; } }; this.onRender2D = function(sandora) { if (mc.thePlayer == null) { return; } jarquez = []; sanaah = []; if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 40 === 0 || mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted === 0) { playerInfo = mc.getNetHandler().getPlayerInfo(mc.thePlayer.getUniqueID()); myping = playerInfo == null ? "0ms" : playerInfo.getResponseTime() + "ms"; } var scaledWidth = new ScaledResolution(mc).getScaledWidth(); var scaledHeight = new ScaledResolution(mc).getScaledHeight(); if (gettarget != null && !gettarget.isDead && gettarget.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer) < 12) { targetOnGround = target.onGround ? "Ground" : "UnGround"; var targetHealth = gettarget.getHealth().toFixed(1); var targetMaxHealth = gettarget.getMaxHealth(); var targetArmorValue = target.getTotalArmorValue().toFixed(1); switch (targetHUD.get()) { case "Health": DrawHealthTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, 0); break; case "Exhibition": DrawExhibitionHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, x.get() + 13, y.get() - 20, myping, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Novoline": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) + 55 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.025; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) + 55 - show_hp_pos) * 0.1; drawNovolineHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth); break; case "ValuedValueTH": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.01 + 2 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.05; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.01 + 2 - show_hp_pos) * 0.2; drawValuedValue(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth); break; case "Dortware Old": show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.42 - 80 - show_hp_pos) * 0.1; drawDortwareOld(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Astolfo": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.02; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos) * 0.15; drawAstolfoTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), 0, 0, 0); break; case "Dortware New": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.02; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.18 + 20 - show_hp_pos) * 0.15; drawDortwareNew(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, target.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(0)); break; case "Smoke": show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + (Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.31 + 3) - show_hp_pos) * 0.05; drawSmokeTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Moon": Meshow_armor_pos = scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetArmorValue / 20 * 110) / 1.53; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.08 + 46 - show_hp_pos) * 0.075; drawMoonHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, Meshow_armor_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "0x01a4": draw0x01a4THUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; } } }; } function healthColor(drisana, martrell) { if (drisana > martrell / 2) { var nayella = parseInt((martrell - drisana) * (255 / martrell) * 2); nayella = ("0" + nayella.toString(16)).slice(-2); } else { var nayella = 255; nayella = ("0" + nayella.toString(16)).slice(-2); } if (drisana < martrell / 2) { var nancy = 255 - parseInt((martrell / 2 - drisana) * (255 / martrell) * 2); nancy = ("0" + nancy.toString(16)).slice(-2); } else { var nancy = 255; nancy = ("0" + nancy.toString(16)).slice(-2); } var shanetra = 0; return "0x84" + nayella + nancy + "00" - 0; } function drawFace(latisa, cheyan, sofiah) { mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(latisa.getLocationSkin()); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(cheyan, sofiah, 8, 8, 8, 8, 27, 27, 64, 64); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); } function drawEntityOnScreen(karaya, taalor, nahiara, barkot) { GlStateManager.enableColorMaterial(); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.translate(karaya, taalor, 50); GlStateManager.scale(-nahiara, nahiara, nahiara); GlStateManager.rotate(180, 0, 0, 1); GlStateManager.rotate(135, 0, 1, 0); RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.rotate(-135, 0, 1, 0); GlStateManager.translate(0, 0, 0); var ariadnna = mc.getRenderManager(); ariadnna.setPlayerViewY(180); ariadnna.setRenderShadow(false); ariadnna.renderEntityWithPosYaw(barkot, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); ariadnna.setRenderShadow(true); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.disableRescaleNormal(); GlStateManager.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit); GlStateManager.disableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.defaultTexUnit); } function DrawHealthTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, deshion) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(gettarget.getName(), scaledWidth / 2 - Fonts.minecraftFont.getStringWidth(gettarget.getName()) / 2, scaledHeight / 2 - 30, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/gui/icons.png")); while (deshion < targetMaxHealth / 2) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect(scaledWidth / 2 - targetMaxHealth / 2 * 10 / 2 + deshion * 10, scaledHeight / 2 - 16, 16, 0, 9, 9); ++deshion; } deshion = 0; while (deshion < targetHealth / 2) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect(scaledWidth / 2 - targetMaxHealth / 2 * 10 / 2 + deshion * 10, scaledHeight / 2 - 16, 52, 0, 9, 9); ++deshion; } } function DrawExhibitionHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, posX, posY, myPing, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth) { var aloise = 50; var deshelia = aloise + 5; var aarie = 50; GL11.glPushMatrix(); drawEntityOnScreen(scaledWidth / 2 + 27 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 76 + posY, 17, gettarget); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 - 3 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 29 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 157 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 91 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 - 2 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 30 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 156 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 90 + posY, new Color(33, 33, 33, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 33 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 153 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 87 + posY, new Color(18, 18, 18, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 6 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 38 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 48 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 82 + posY, new Color(55, 55, 55, 100).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 7 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 39 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 47 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 81 + posY, new Color(18, 18, 18, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(gettarget.getName(), scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 - 10 + aloise + posY, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glScalef(0.8, 0.8, 0.8); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("HP: " + targetHealth + " | Dist: " + gettarget.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(1), scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 133 + posX * 1.25, scaledHeight / 2 + 97 + aloise + posY * 1.25, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + posX + 87 + aarie, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, new Color(healthColor(targetHealth, targetMaxHealth), 50).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + posX + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 86) + aarie, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, healthColor(targetHealth, targetMaxHealth)); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia - 6 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + 5 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 87 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 7 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 8 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 14 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 15 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 21 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 22 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 28 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 29 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 35 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 36 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 42 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 43 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 49 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 50 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 56 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 57 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 63 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 64 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 70 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 71 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 78 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 79 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawNovolineHUD(laytin, azhar, celesta, monecia, melchior, therman, evanyelin, hommy) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 10 + therman, celesta / 2 + 5 + evanyelin, azhar / 2 + 119 + therman, celesta / 2 + 36 + evanyelin, new Color(40, 40, 40).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(laytin.getName(), azhar / 2 + 43 + therman, celesta / 2 + 10 + evanyelin, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, azhar / 2 + 116 + therman, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(30, 30, 30).getRGB()), monecia > melchior ? Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, monecia - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(129, 95, 149).getRGB()) : Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, melchior - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(129, 95, 149).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, monecia - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(159, 125, 179).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(laytin.getHealth().toFixed(1) * 5 + "%", azhar / 2 + 67 + therman, celesta / 2 + 23 + evanyelin, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), drawFace(laytin, azhar / 2 + 12 + therman, celesta / 2 + 7 + evanyelin); } function drawValuedValue(heartlee, sharlin, trevond, denissa, jermil, kailiyah, jenielle, kaniyha) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 5 + jenielle, sharlin / 2 + 140 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 34 + jenielle, new Color(15, 15, 15).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(heartlee.getName(), sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 9 + jenielle, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()); if (denissa > jermil) { Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, denissa, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(215, 15, 20).getRGB()); } else Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, jermil, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(215, 15, 20).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, denissa, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(255, 55, 50).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(heartlee.getHealth().toFixed(1), sharlin / 2 - 10, trevond / 2 + trevond / 2.5, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawDortwareOld(jannete, adeola, danija, cambel, zelpha, mialyn, hermond, yomi) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(jannete.getHealth().toFixed(0), adeola / 2 + 65 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 21 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(jannete.getName(), adeola / 2 - 75 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 21 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawDortwareNew(janiene, ziggie, kasian, leahana, timbre, iyssis, brisamar, kingarthur, dayzhane) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 20 + iyssis, ziggie / 2 + 163 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 59 + iyssis, new Color(20, 20, 20, 200).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Name: " + janiene.getName(), ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 23 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Distance: " + dayzhane, ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 34 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Armor: " + janiene.getTotalArmorValue().toFixed(0), ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 45 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), drawEntityOnScreen(ziggie / 2 + 34 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 52 + iyssis, 15, janiene), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, ziggie / 2 + 163 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 59 + iyssis, new Color(20, 20, 20, 220).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawAstolfoTH(krysten, malani, margrett, frozine, lorrainne, daeson, zoeth, jassmen, inara, tasya) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 - 4 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 5 + zoeth, malani / 2 + 177 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 71 + zoeth, new Color(20, 20, 20, 200).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(krysten.getHealth().toFixed(1), malani / 2, margrett / 2 + margrett / 2.5, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(krysten.getName(), malani / 2 + 46 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 9 + zoeth, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glScalef(3, 3, 3), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(Math.round(krysten.getHealth().toFixed(1)) / 2 * 2 + "❤", malani / 2 - 304 + daeson / 3, margrett / 2 - 183 + zoeth * 0.335, new Color(150, 50, 200, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), GL11.glPushMatrix(), drawEntityOnScreen(malani / 2 + 22 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, 28, krysten), Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, malani / 2 + 170 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 55 + zoeth, new Color(0, 0, 10, 200).getRGB()); if (frozine > lorrainne) Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, frozine + 8, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(53, 10, 80).getRGB()); else { Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, lorrainne + 8, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(53, 10, 80).getRGB()); } Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, frozine + 4, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(150, 50, 200).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawSmokeTH(kanya, kaislei, faydell, komeka, kini, raimon, thawng, ayda) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + kini, faydell / 2 + 5 + raimon, kaislei / 2 + 158 + kini, faydell / 2 + 52 + raimon, new Color(20, 20, 20).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getName(), kaislei / 2 + 32 + kini, faydell / 2 + 10 + raimon, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getHealth().toFixed(1) + "❤", kaislei / 2 + 32 + kini, faydell / 2 + 19 + raimon, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 45 + raimon, kaislei / 2 + 155 + kini, faydell / 2 + 42 + raimon, new Color(healthColor(thawng, ayda), 25).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, new Color(255, 255, 255, 120).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getHealth().toFixed(1), kaislei / 2, faydell + 40, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), drawFace(kanya, kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 9 + raimon), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawMoonHUD(clevie, marelli, yuranni, rochely, flavio, aatif, aalim, melanin, macil) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 11 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 5 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 116 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 34 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()), Fonts.font35.drawStringWithShadow(clevie.getName(), marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 8 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.font35.drawStringWithShadow("Health:" + clevie.getHealth().toFixed(1), marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 17 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 25 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 114 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 28 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 29 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 114 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 32 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 26 + aalim, rochely - 4, yuranni / 2 + 27 + aalim, healthColor(melanin, macil)), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 26 + aalim, rochely - 4, yuranni / 2 + 27 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255, 50).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 30 + aalim, flavio + 42, yuranni / 2 + 31 + aalim, new Color(50, 50, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), drawFace(clevie, marelli / 2 + 12 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 6 + aalim), drawCircle(6, yuranni - 11, 3, new Color(38, 38, 215).getRGB()); } function draw0x01a4THUD(barba, nzingha, yaniel, taccara, katiemae, kardyn, burce) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(nzingha / 2 + 11 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 5 + katiemae, nzingha / 2 + 130 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 53 + katiemae, new Color(0, 0, 0, 175).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(barba.getName(), nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 10 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("HP: " + kardyn, nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 25 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Distance: " + barba.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(1), nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 40 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawCircle(tanesha, justi, breania, danniela) { var kirill = (danniela >> 24 & 255) / 255; var greyleigh = (danniela >> 16 & 255) / 255; var latanja = (danniela >> 8 & 255) / 255; var schaefer = (danniela & 255) / 255; GL11.glColor4f(greyleigh, latanja, schaefer, kirill), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D), GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH), GL11.glPushMatrix(), GL11.glLineWidth(1), GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_POLYGON); for (var colman = 0; colman <= 360; colman++) GL11.glVertex2d(tanesha + Math.sin(colman * Math.PI / 180) * breania, justi + Math.cos(colman * Math.PI / 180) * breania); GL11.glEnd(), GL11.glPopMatrix(), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH), GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } function onEnable() { Client = moduleManager.registerModule(Client); } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(Client); }
@cookiechinese said in [RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 ):
function onDisable() {