[RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 )
I have not used liquidbounce for a good time so im realeasing one of my scripts.
I was too lazy to implement the RGB values
Preview of module
Showcase ( Dont bully for the fdp in the title it just gets the views
— Hunter171-
Flux ( I was too lazy to add lol )
Astolfo ( Cope with bad scaling )
0x01a4 ( Recreation of Friend's client targethud )
Dortware Old
Dortware New
Heres the link to the script
Script -
@hunter171 A targethud script getting released...
This truly rare sight to behold on this forums in these times.
@hunter171 I found a problem in the obfuscation i can help with it.'
You should rename the function's and variables to make it harder to deobfYou should also not use switch as its a lot easier to deobf when they are present.
Btw you have an unused import
Is used once to get time but the code isnt even used. Im assuming you were making a hud script but gave up on the hud part.
var AntiBot = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(291)); var S03PacketTimeUpdate = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(332)); var Fonts = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts"); var Color = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(373)); var ScaledResolution = Java.type(Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xb8")); var GL11 = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); var Gui = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui"); Client = new Client; var Keyboard = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x110")); var EntityUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(205)); var EntityPlayer = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer"); var ESP = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.render.ESP"); var LiquidBounce = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xb3")); var ItemStack = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xe3")); var ItemBlock = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0xd3")); var RenderHelper = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(304)); var GlStateManager = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(203)); var EntityLivingBase = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(169)); var ResourceLocation = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)]("net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation"); var Minecraft = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var MovementUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(257)); var OpenGlHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper"); var ServerUtils = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(344)](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(431)); var ColorUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.ColorUtils"); Minecraft = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var Display = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")]("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display"); var System = Java.type("java.lang.System"); var MathHelper = Java[Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e("0x158")](Hunter171IsStraightAndDoesNotLikeMenILikeWOmenAndIAlsoLikeNekosAndFemboysOhNoFemboysAreGayPleaseHelpMe_0xe1da0e(336));
Semi deobf
https://paste.ccbluex.net/53ebf3452 -
@czechhek said in [RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 ):
nO bAd wOrdS tHiS iS a fRieNdLy cOmMuniTy
this.onLoad = function () { chat.print('Anti Skid By Hunter171'); }
var script = registerScript({ name: "Real TargetHUD", version: "Beta", authors: ["Hunter171"] }); var target; var gettarget; var show_hp_pos; var show_hp_pos_smooth; var Meshow_armor_pos; var entity; var getentity; var Meshow_hp_pos; var targetOnGround; var r; var g; var b; var c; var str = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; var AntiBot = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.AntiBot"); var Fonts = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts"); var Color = Java.type("java.awt.Color"); var ScaledResolution = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution"); var GL11 = Java.type("org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11"); var Gui = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui"); var Client = new Client; var Client; var EntityUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.EntityUtils"); var EntityPlayer = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer"); var ESP = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.render.ESP"); var LiquidBounce = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce"); var RenderHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper"); var GlStateManager = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager"); var EntityLivingBase = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase"); var ResourceLocation = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation"); var Minecraft = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.Minecraft"); var MovementUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils"); var OpenGlHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper"); var ColorUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.ColorUtils"); var MathHelper = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.MathHelper"); function Client() { var imperia; var shondel; var clareen; var targetHUD = value.createList("TargetHUD", ["Health", "Exhibition", "Novoline", "Flux", "Astolfo", "ValuedValueTH", "Smoke", "Moon", "0x01a4", "Dortware Old", "Dortware New"], "Health"); var x = value.createInteger("X", 0, -400, 400); var y = value.createInteger("Y", 0, -400, 400); var jarquez = []; var sanaah = []; var katonya = []; this.getName = function() { return "TargetHUD"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "TargetHUD script by Hunter171."; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Fun"; }; this.getTag = function() { return targetHUD.get(); }; this.addValues = function(values) { values.add(targetHUD); values.add(x); values.add(y); }; this.onEnable = function() { playerInfo = 0; myping = 0; jarquez = []; sanaah = []; katonya = []; target = null; entity = null; imperia = 0; shondel = []; gettarget = null; getentity = null; show_hp_pos = 0; show_hp_pos_smooth = 0; Meshow_hp_pos = 0; Meshow_armor_pos = 0; }; this.onLoad = function() { chat.print("Anti Skid By Hunter171"); }; this.onDisable = function() { imperia = 0; shondel = []; }; this.onPacket = function(rayeanna) { clareen = rayeanna.getPacket(); if (clareen instanceof S03PacketTimeUpdate) shondel.push(System.currentTimeMillis()); }; this.onAttack = function(event) { var entity = event.getTargetEntity(); if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer) { target = entity; gettarget = entity; } }; this.onRender2D = function(sandora) { if (mc.thePlayer == null) { return; } jarquez = []; sanaah = []; if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 40 === 0 || mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted === 0) { playerInfo = mc.getNetHandler().getPlayerInfo(mc.thePlayer.getUniqueID()); myping = playerInfo == null ? "0ms" : playerInfo.getResponseTime() + "ms"; } var scaledWidth = new ScaledResolution(mc).getScaledWidth(); var scaledHeight = new ScaledResolution(mc).getScaledHeight(); if (gettarget != null && !gettarget.isDead && gettarget.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer) < 12) { targetOnGround = target.onGround ? "Ground" : "UnGround"; var targetHealth = gettarget.getHealth().toFixed(1); var targetMaxHealth = gettarget.getMaxHealth(); var targetArmorValue = target.getTotalArmorValue().toFixed(1); switch (targetHUD.get()) { case "Health": DrawHealthTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, 0); break; case "Exhibition": DrawExhibitionHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, x.get() + 13, y.get() - 20, myping, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Novoline": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) + 55 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.025; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) + 55 - show_hp_pos) * 0.1; drawNovolineHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth); break; case "ValuedValueTH": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.01 + 2 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.05; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.01 + 2 - show_hp_pos) * 0.2; drawValuedValue(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth); break; case "Dortware Old": show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.42 - 80 - show_hp_pos) * 0.1; drawDortwareOld(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Astolfo": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.02; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos) * 0.15; drawAstolfoTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, show_hp_pos_smooth, x.get(), y.get(), 0, 0, 0); break; case "Dortware New": show_hp_pos_smooth += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.8 + 45 - show_hp_pos_smooth) * 0.02; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.18 + 20 - show_hp_pos) * 0.15; drawDortwareNew(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, target.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(0)); break; case "Smoke": show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + (Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 2.31 + 3) - show_hp_pos) * 0.05; drawSmokeTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "Moon": Meshow_armor_pos = scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetArmorValue / 20 * 110) / 1.53; show_hp_pos += (scaledWidth / 2 + x.get() + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 66) * 1.08 + 46 - show_hp_pos) * 0.075; drawMoonHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, show_hp_pos, Meshow_armor_pos, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; case "0x01a4": draw0x01a4THUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, x.get(), y.get(), targetHealth, targetMaxHealth); break; } } }; } function healthColor(drisana, martrell) { if (drisana > martrell / 2) { var nayella = parseInt((martrell - drisana) * (255 / martrell) * 2); nayella = ("0" + nayella.toString(16)).slice(-2); } else { var nayella = 255; nayella = ("0" + nayella.toString(16)).slice(-2); } if (drisana < martrell / 2) { var nancy = 255 - parseInt((martrell / 2 - drisana) * (255 / martrell) * 2); nancy = ("0" + nancy.toString(16)).slice(-2); } else { var nancy = 255; nancy = ("0" + nancy.toString(16)).slice(-2); } var shanetra = 0; return "0x84" + nayella + nancy + "00" - 0; } function drawFace(latisa, cheyan, sofiah) { mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(latisa.getLocationSkin()); GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND); GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); Gui.drawScaledCustomSizeModalRect(cheyan, sofiah, 8, 8, 8, 8, 27, 27, 64, 64); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND); } function drawEntityOnScreen(karaya, taalor, nahiara, barkot) { GlStateManager.enableColorMaterial(); GlStateManager.pushMatrix(); GlStateManager.translate(karaya, taalor, 50); GlStateManager.scale(-nahiara, nahiara, nahiara); GlStateManager.rotate(180, 0, 0, 1); GlStateManager.rotate(135, 0, 1, 0); RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.rotate(-135, 0, 1, 0); GlStateManager.translate(0, 0, 0); var ariadnna = mc.getRenderManager(); ariadnna.setPlayerViewY(180); ariadnna.setRenderShadow(false); ariadnna.renderEntityWithPosYaw(barkot, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); ariadnna.setRenderShadow(true); GlStateManager.popMatrix(); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); GlStateManager.disableRescaleNormal(); GlStateManager.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit); GlStateManager.disableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.defaultTexUnit); } function DrawHealthTH(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth, deshion) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(gettarget.getName(), scaledWidth / 2 - Fonts.minecraftFont.getStringWidth(gettarget.getName()) / 2, scaledHeight / 2 - 30, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("textures/gui/icons.png")); while (deshion < targetMaxHealth / 2) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect(scaledWidth / 2 - targetMaxHealth / 2 * 10 / 2 + deshion * 10, scaledHeight / 2 - 16, 16, 0, 9, 9); ++deshion; } deshion = 0; while (deshion < targetHealth / 2) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().ingameGUI.drawTexturedModalRect(scaledWidth / 2 - targetMaxHealth / 2 * 10 / 2 + deshion * 10, scaledHeight / 2 - 16, 52, 0, 9, 9); ++deshion; } } function DrawExhibitionHUD(gettarget, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, posX, posY, myPing, targetHealth, targetMaxHealth) { var aloise = 50; var deshelia = aloise + 5; var aarie = 50; GL11.glPushMatrix(); drawEntityOnScreen(scaledWidth / 2 + 27 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 76 + posY, 17, gettarget); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 - 3 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 29 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 157 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 91 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 - 2 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 30 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 156 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 90 + posY, new Color(33, 33, 33, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 33 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 153 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 87 + posY, new Color(18, 18, 18, 255).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 6 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 38 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 48 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 82 + posY, new Color(55, 55, 55, 100).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + 7 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 39 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + 47 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + 81 + posY, new Color(18, 18, 18, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(gettarget.getName(), scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 - 10 + aloise + posY, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glScalef(0.8, 0.8, 0.8); Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("HP: " + targetHealth + " | Dist: " + gettarget.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(1), scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 133 + posX * 1.25, scaledHeight / 2 + 97 + aloise + posY * 1.25, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()); GL11.glPopMatrix(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + posX + 87 + aarie, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, new Color(healthColor(targetHealth, targetMaxHealth), 50).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + posX + Math.round(targetHealth / targetMaxHealth * 86) + aarie, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, healthColor(targetHealth, targetMaxHealth)); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia - 6 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + 5 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie - 1 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 86 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 87 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 200).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 7 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 8 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 14 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 15 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 21 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 22 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 28 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 29 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 35 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 36 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 42 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 43 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 49 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 50 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 56 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 57 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 63 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 64 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 70 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 71 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 78 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + aloise - 1 + posY, scaledWidth / 2 + aarie + 79 + posX, scaledHeight / 2 + deshelia + 1 + posY, new Color(0, 0, 0, 210).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawNovolineHUD(laytin, azhar, celesta, monecia, melchior, therman, evanyelin, hommy) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 10 + therman, celesta / 2 + 5 + evanyelin, azhar / 2 + 119 + therman, celesta / 2 + 36 + evanyelin, new Color(40, 40, 40).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(laytin.getName(), azhar / 2 + 43 + therman, celesta / 2 + 10 + evanyelin, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, azhar / 2 + 116 + therman, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(30, 30, 30).getRGB()), monecia > melchior ? Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, monecia - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(129, 95, 149).getRGB()) : Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, melchior - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(129, 95, 149).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(azhar / 2 + 42 + therman, celesta / 2 + 21 + evanyelin, monecia - 4, celesta / 2 + 32 + evanyelin, new Color(159, 125, 179).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(laytin.getHealth().toFixed(1) * 5 + "%", azhar / 2 + 67 + therman, celesta / 2 + 23 + evanyelin, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), drawFace(laytin, azhar / 2 + 12 + therman, celesta / 2 + 7 + evanyelin); } function drawValuedValue(heartlee, sharlin, trevond, denissa, jermil, kailiyah, jenielle, kaniyha) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 5 + jenielle, sharlin / 2 + 140 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 34 + jenielle, new Color(15, 15, 15).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(heartlee.getName(), sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 9 + jenielle, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()); if (denissa > jermil) { Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, denissa, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(215, 15, 20).getRGB()); } else Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, jermil, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(215, 15, 20).getRGB()); Gui.drawRect(sharlin / 2 + 5 + kailiyah, trevond / 2 + 21 + jenielle, denissa, trevond / 2 + 29 + jenielle, new Color(255, 55, 50).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(heartlee.getHealth().toFixed(1), sharlin / 2 - 10, trevond / 2 + trevond / 2.5, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawDortwareOld(jannete, adeola, danija, cambel, zelpha, mialyn, hermond, yomi) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(adeola / 2 - 80 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 20 + mialyn, cambel, danija / 2 + 30 + mialyn, new Color(healthColor(hermond, yomi), 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(jannete.getHealth().toFixed(0), adeola / 2 + 65 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 21 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(jannete.getName(), adeola / 2 - 75 + zelpha, danija / 2 + 21 + mialyn, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawDortwareNew(janiene, ziggie, kasian, leahana, timbre, iyssis, brisamar, kingarthur, dayzhane) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 20 + iyssis, ziggie / 2 + 163 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 59 + iyssis, new Color(20, 20, 20, 200).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Name: " + janiene.getName(), ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 23 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Distance: " + dayzhane, ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 34 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Armor: " + janiene.getTotalArmorValue().toFixed(0), ziggie / 2 + 52 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 45 + iyssis, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), drawEntityOnScreen(ziggie / 2 + 34 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 52 + iyssis, 15, janiene), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, ziggie / 2 + 163 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 59 + iyssis, new Color(20, 20, 20, 220).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(ziggie / 2 + 20 + timbre, kasian / 2 + 56 + iyssis, leahana, kasian / 2 + iyssis + 59, new Color(healthColor(brisamar, kingarthur)).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawAstolfoTH(krysten, malani, margrett, frozine, lorrainne, daeson, zoeth, jassmen, inara, tasya) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 - 4 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 5 + zoeth, malani / 2 + 177 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 71 + zoeth, new Color(20, 20, 20, 200).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(krysten.getHealth().toFixed(1), malani / 2, margrett / 2 + margrett / 2.5, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(krysten.getName(), malani / 2 + 46 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 9 + zoeth, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glScalef(3, 3, 3), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(Math.round(krysten.getHealth().toFixed(1)) / 2 * 2 + "❤", malani / 2 - 304 + daeson / 3, margrett / 2 - 183 + zoeth * 0.335, new Color(150, 50, 200, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), GL11.glPushMatrix(), drawEntityOnScreen(malani / 2 + 22 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, 28, krysten), Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, malani / 2 + 170 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 55 + zoeth, new Color(0, 0, 10, 200).getRGB()); if (frozine > lorrainne) Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, frozine + 8, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(53, 10, 80).getRGB()); else { Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, lorrainne + 8, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(53, 10, 80).getRGB()); } Gui.drawRect(malani / 2 + 48 + daeson, margrett / 2 + 65 + zoeth, frozine + 4, margrett / 2 + zoeth + 55, new Color(150, 50, 200).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawSmokeTH(kanya, kaislei, faydell, komeka, kini, raimon, thawng, ayda) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + kini, faydell / 2 + 5 + raimon, kaislei / 2 + 158 + kini, faydell / 2 + 52 + raimon, new Color(20, 20, 20).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getName(), kaislei / 2 + 32 + kini, faydell / 2 + 10 + raimon, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getHealth().toFixed(1) + "❤", kaislei / 2 + 32 + kini, faydell / 2 + 19 + raimon, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 45 + raimon, kaislei / 2 + 155 + kini, faydell / 2 + 42 + raimon, new Color(healthColor(thawng, ayda), 25).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, healthColor(thawng, ayda)), Gui.drawRect(kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 47 + raimon, komeka, faydell / 2 + raimon + 40, new Color(255, 255, 255, 120).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(kanya.getHealth().toFixed(1), kaislei / 2, faydell + 40, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), drawFace(kanya, kaislei / 2 + 3 + kini, faydell / 2 + 9 + raimon), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawMoonHUD(clevie, marelli, yuranni, rochely, flavio, aatif, aalim, melanin, macil) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 11 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 5 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 116 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 34 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0, 100).getRGB()), Fonts.font35.drawStringWithShadow(clevie.getName(), marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 8 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.font35.drawStringWithShadow("Health:" + clevie.getHealth().toFixed(1), marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 17 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 25 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 114 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 28 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 41 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 29 + aalim, marelli / 2 + 114 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 32 + aalim, new Color(0, 0, 0).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 26 + aalim, rochely - 4, yuranni / 2 + 27 + aalim, healthColor(melanin, macil)), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 26 + aalim, rochely - 4, yuranni / 2 + 27 + aalim, new Color(255, 255, 255, 50).getRGB()), Gui.drawRect(marelli / 2 + 42 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 30 + aalim, flavio + 42, yuranni / 2 + 31 + aalim, new Color(50, 50, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(), drawFace(clevie, marelli / 2 + 12 + aatif, yuranni / 2 + 6 + aalim), drawCircle(6, yuranni - 11, 3, new Color(38, 38, 215).getRGB()); } function draw0x01a4THUD(barba, nzingha, yaniel, taccara, katiemae, kardyn, burce) { GL11.glPushMatrix(), Gui.drawRect(nzingha / 2 + 11 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 5 + katiemae, nzingha / 2 + 130 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 53 + katiemae, new Color(0, 0, 0, 175).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(barba.getName(), nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 10 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("HP: " + kardyn, nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 25 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("Distance: " + barba.getDistanceToEntity(mc.thePlayer).toFixed(1), nzingha / 2 + 15 + taccara, yaniel / 2 + 40 + katiemae, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB()), GL11.glPopMatrix(); } function drawCircle(tanesha, justi, breania, danniela) { var kirill = (danniela >> 24 & 255) / 255; var greyleigh = (danniela >> 16 & 255) / 255; var latanja = (danniela >> 8 & 255) / 255; var schaefer = (danniela & 255) / 255; GL11.glColor4f(greyleigh, latanja, schaefer, kirill), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D), GL11.glBlendFunc(GL11.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL11.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH), GL11.glPushMatrix(), GL11.glLineWidth(1), GL11.glBegin(GL11.GL_POLYGON); for (var colman = 0; colman <= 360; colman++) GL11.glVertex2d(tanesha + Math.sin(colman * Math.PI / 180) * breania, justi + Math.cos(colman * Math.PI / 180) * breania); GL11.glEnd(), GL11.glPopMatrix(), GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_BLEND), GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LINE_SMOOTH), GL11.glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); } function onEnable() { Client = moduleManager.registerModule(Client); } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(Client); }
@cookiechinese said in [RELEASE] TargetHUD Script ( Legacy B72 ):
function onDisable() {