Help With Fixing Code
Can Somebody Help Me To Get The Code Down Below To Work? I Am Slightly Confused On This Scripting API.
const script = registerScript({ name: "AntiVulcanLimit", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["IgniteTNT"] }); var sneakCooldown = 200; // Cooldown in milliseconds script.registerModule({ name: "VulcanLimit", category: "Misc", // Movement, Combat, Renderr, ... description: "Bypass Vulcan's Limit Check When Scaffolding" }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aEnabled AntiVulcanLimit :)"); mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); mod.on("disable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aDisabled AntiVulcanLimit :("); }); this.onGround = function(event) { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); } });
const script = registerScript({ name: "AntiVulcanLimit", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["IgniteTNT"] }); var sneakCooldown = 200; // Cooldown in milliseconds script.registerModule({ name: "VulcanLimit", category: "Misc", // Movement, Combat, Renderr, ... description: "Bypass Vulcan's Limit Check When Scaffolding" }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aEnabled AntiVulcanLimit :)"); mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); mod.on("disable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aDisabled AntiVulcanLimit :("); }); mod.on("ground", function(event) { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); });
In this corrected version, I replaced this.onGround with mod.on("ground", ...), which correctly registers the event handler function.
@IgniteTNT In this corrected version, I replaced this.onGround with mod.on("ground", ...), which correctly registers the event handler function.
const script = registerScript({ name: "AntiVulcanLimit", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["IgniteTNT"] }); var sneakCooldown = 200; // Cooldown in milliseconds script.registerModule({ name: "VulcanLimit", category: "Misc", // Movement, Combat, Renderr, ... description: "Bypass Vulcan's Limit Check When Scaffolding" }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aEnabled AntiVulcanLimit :)"); mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); mod.on("disable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§aDisabled AntiVulcanLimit :("); }); mod.on("ground", function(event) { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; setTimeout(function() { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; }, sneakCooldown); }); });
i fixed it
Thank you!
Still doesn't work, thank you for attempting it though!
There is no event called on ground. You should use one of the tick events...
What is the syntax for tick events?
@IgniteTNT U can try this:
let ticks = 0; //.... mod.on("update", () => { ticks++; if (ticks === 10) { // put it as your opinion mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = true; } else { mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed = false; ticks = 0; } }
It doesn't seem to like mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed works, weird.