Error in the nightly builds (Legacy)
So this error is caused by some or a module listed in blocksmc auto settings that has been provided in LB legacy, let me describe the error better :
When i enter the game with that config upon entering a bedwars pregame lobby from the menu in the npcs upon tping to the pregame lobby (Not talking about bedwars lobby but after entering a game theres a pregame lobby which has a countdown), I get instantly banned i dont know but maybe some module is sending too much packets upon being freezed as im going into another world so the chunks loading will cause it to go to 1fps or 2fps and then come back to normal fps that is what happens during the loading screen but the thing is the client's modules work even while the loading is happening so i guess it may have sent the packets it couldnt send during that 1-2fps timeframe
Please try to fix this error on the latest nightly builds it would be much appreciated.
Try to use the latest nightly build and then get into a bedwars game in blocksmc you could face the same error as i did
can u tell me what's ur average fps ingame and show me a video of u getting banned