Minor update
Custom alphabets must now be put in one single file. Each one must be placed in a seperate file. The file is created automatically.
ConfigUtils v3.04-3.07
changed file saving (name: x.cu / x,x,x...cu)
added hover event for toggleconfig
removed shit code from .cu toggleconfig
why didnt i think of this before wtf:
for each (var line in lineList) {
var target = moduleManager.getModule(line.split(" ")[0])
if (!target.getState()) target.setState(true), toggeledModules.push(target.getName());
time to stfu and stop spamming forum with log
it has some problem using this line (or something close to it)
public void drawWorldBackground(int tint)
if (this.mc.theWorld != null)
this.drawGradientRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, -1072689136, -804253680);