@Jay-Chen a little late bro
If you have silent on and don't have strafe enabled it will be blatant and most AntiCheats will catch your movement not matching up. Turn strafe on to silent or strict or just dont have silent on.
@mems Actually, FDPClient made the original AAC5 Fly, and had it's own AAC5 velocity values that do the same thing that Rise's later AAC5 Fly did. Also, Rise severely skidded from LiquidBounce (at least 5.90-5.100), with proof being here (I found it myself). It's just that some clients are too big to fail, so the developers resort to skidding, though I haven't seen skidded code in 6.0 yet.
@YT_-VAS Are you on LiquidBounce legacy or nextgen? I'm 99% sure that nextgen has no way of doing it, but I know how to do it in legacy. Ok, first you have to create a custom element (Text Element), then you either add %ping% or %fps%, depending on what you want. Then, add anything else that you want to put (for example, if you want it to show like “n FPS”, you can do “%fps% FPS”).