How to effectively use ServerCrasher...
Can someone teach me all about how to use the ServerCrasher hack? Would really appreciate it.
Toggle it and hope it works
@mac-osx spam negative infinity(aacold) crash TakaAnticheat
spam random position(-32768-32767)(two packets per tick) crash Matrix 6.0.0-6.0.4(seems still works on 6.1.0)
spam random position(infinity) with elytra on can crash some 1.12.2-based servers with bad anticheat
mode bedit/bsign/book crash the servers which have no attack-protecting plugins.
mode worldedit crash the servers using old wedit plugin with no protection
other modes are useless I think(vanilla kick) -
@mac-osx by the way, sc only works if the anticheat is really bad or with no anticheat(and attack protection)
@co丶dynamic Honestly your post is extremely vague I really cant understand anything, sorry. can u be a bit more clear?
Crashing a server usually isn't possible easily. If it's a Vanilla server, MassiveChunkLoading mode might work. Other modes usually depend on exploits in various plugins which probably have already been fixed on most servers.
@senk-ju the original Servercrasher almost useless because of the packet amount
you'll got kicked for too many packets
by the way spam random position works well on most of the vanilla server -
@co丶dynamic Vanilla doesn't kick for too many packets (as far as I know). The servers you tested it on were probably using NCP.
@senk-ju nope
most of the servers have packet limit(probably the protection plugins, not anticheat)
and you may kicked for 'fly or related' in vanilla server -
@co丶dynamic that sounds like ncp
@the_shadow_emp not ncp
no anticheat at all(can vanilla fly with maxium speed then got kicked for fly or related if you turned off the Vanillakickbypass)
maybe the spigot-based servers
anyway vanillakickbypass seems doesn't work on new spigot server -
@co丶dynamic @The_Shadow_Emp Speaking of Spigot server there's one in particular i'd like to crash, what are the configs that would work? its a 1.16.5 server.
@co丶dynamic btw yeah pure vanilla servers can kick you for flying, unless you use bypass. I need a list of what servers are of what type. I think blockdrop and jartex are AAC, other than that i need some1 to gimme a list fr
@mac-osx Chorus fruit may be a point
VanillaFly seems patched(even with kick bypass) on 1.16.x vanilla server(you can fly for about 10sec and got kicked)(that's real)