I need scripts!!
Liquidbounce is good but something can’t be perfect.
I need script for
1- autoclicker (left autoclicks when sword/axe in hand)
(right autoclicks when blocks in hand)2- auto rod (automatically rods an opponent to deal knockback every __ seconds and targets one player)
3- CPS counter (Keystrokes mod doesn’t work with liquidbounce)
4- Inventory cleaner (Custom slot for a fishing rod and support for snowballs and eggs cause it throws them out)
yeah this post isnt perfect either
one of the imperfections is that its in the wrong section -
@make-joke-of bruh liquidbounce isn't a ghost client
Make Joke Ofreplied to quadro on 11 Jun 2021, 10:32 last edited by Make Joke Of 6 Nov 2021, 12:35
Yeah but I’m new. Soo… support ; )
Also what’s the right place??@Melih_GMC2
I don’t want it to be. These are some good quality of life features. -
@make-joke-of you can get a ghost client instead
Make Joke Ofreplied to melih_gmc2 on 11 Jun 2021, 10:37 last edited by Make Joke Of 6 Nov 2021, 12:37
I would but liquidbounce is really good.
Also I don’t have money -
@make-joke-of Then start spending a bit of your time to learn how to code because no one is going to do it for you.
@make-joke-of For the inventory cleaner: https://forums.ccbluex.net/topic/142/inventorymanager-7-1-biggest-update-yet?_=1623414188098
In ClickGUI set ModifyListings to Whitelist and write Fishing Rod to chat and do it again for Snowball.
@make-joke-of Create a text element and put %cps% in it
Make Joke Ofreplied to mems on 11 Jun 2021, 15:44 last edited by Make Joke Of 6 Nov 2021, 17:54
Doesn’t these things exist??
Also can you guide me if it doesn’t exist. I always have aimbot on so all I need to do is make the code automatically pull out my fishing rod, click it quick and then go back to the original slot(something like that).The only issue is that I have to make it quick so that is doesn’t effect me while fighting.
FaaatPotatoreplied to Make Joke Of on 11 Jun 2021, 16:19 last edited by FaaatPotato 6 Dec 2021, 02:38
@make-joke-of here a very shitty autorod i made autorod.js
is laggy sometimes and has no prediction
dont use it solt gets stuck on rod
@make-joke-of search google "best ghost client 1.8.9"
ghost client users are dicks