SuperKnockBack Bypasses Matrix AAC Verus and so on
Could you please add this bypass?
Code:var entity = event.getTargetEntity(); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { if (mc.thePlayer.isSprinting()) mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(false); mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(mc.thePlayer, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)); mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(true); mc.thePlayer.serverSprintState = true; }
Test on
Matrix AAC (NCP) : (被污点看到将被很快被修复?)
Verus AAC :
No flag -
do it in script dude (by turtl) -
Cast to Script...中文:
Effect: double the knockback you cause to the enemy (double fun)
Use: enable and attack (even my toaster knows how to use it)BYPASSES: Matrix AAC Verus
Legacy Support
/// api_version=1 var scriptName = "SuperVelocity"; var scriptAuthor = "Anonzme"; var scriptVersion = 1.0; var C0BPacketEntityAction = Java.type(""); var EntityLivingBase = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase"); function SuperVelocityModule() { this.getName = function() { return "SuperVelocity"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "Velocity++"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Combat"; }; this.onAttack = function(event) { var entity = event.getTargetEntity(); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { if (mc.thePlayer.isSprinting()) mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(false); mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(mc.thePlayer, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)); mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(true); mc.thePlayer.serverSprintState = true; } }; } var superVelocityModule = new SuperVelocityModule(); function onEnable() { moduleManager.registerModule(superVelocityModule); } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(superVelocityModule); }
New Script-API Support
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "SuperVelocity", version: "1.0", authors: ["Anonzme"] }); var C0BPacketEntityAction = Java.type(""); var EntityLivingBase = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase"); script.registerModule({ name: "SuperVelocity", description: "Velocity++", category: "Combat", }, function(module) { module.on("attack", function(event) { var entity = event.getTargetEntity(); if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { if (mc.thePlayer.isSprinting()) mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(false); mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C0BPacketEntityAction(mc.thePlayer, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)); mc.thePlayer.setSprinting(true); mc.thePlayer.serverSprintState = true; } }); });
This post is deleted!
@Leejames2305 That isn’t my server. That server switch anti cheat usually. When I played on it, it’s aac , 40 minutes later it’s verus... So you can try the script on
这不是我的服务器,这个服务器切换反作弊很快,目的是玩弄玩家,aac verus等反作弊总是频繁切换,这是个非常不正经的服务器,所以劳烦您去mc.loyisa.eu测试,记得选择matrix和aac来欣赏它们的强大
This bypasses actually any AC and indeed deals higher knockback.