LiquidBounce as a ghost client [FOUND A BUG BELOW]
Someone has to do this. At least just the title screen and GUI buttons, please?
(no I do not mean pressing some hotkey that makes the title screen default, just the liquidbounce jar itself but without the modified textures)
you can make that via scriptapi
yea someone do it ! this will be really great !
@PrimAzure said in LiquidBounce as a ghost client:
you can make that via scriptapi
What's mildly unsettling is people keep saying "you can do it with scriptapi" but they never explain it. I don't know how to create a script that resets the title screen and gui buttons.
I don't think it is possible to turn LiquidBounce into a ghost client with the ScriptAPI. Instead one should fork LiquidBounce and remove all GUI related code. I don't see another possibility. If you can do a little programming, you could do it by yourself. It shouldn't be too hard.
The source code can be found on here. -
@Senk-Ju said in LiquidBounce as a ghost client:
It shouldn't be too hard.
The source code can be found on here.
It's hard for me because I am clueless
It was quite simple:
DOWNLOAD: don't care if there are any bugs or you can't use the Altmanager etc.
Edit: The ingame hotbar can be changed back to normal in the hud module
helloanareplied to bestnub on 4 Jul 2020, 13:14 last edited by helloana 7 Apr 2020, 15:36
@bestnub OH MY GOD, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually am so grateful right now. Thank you!
EDIT: Found a bug, when I press enter, then put backslash in chat (backslash is my command prefix, I'm not sure if it has anything to do with it) the game crashes.
EDIT 2: Yeah it seems that it only happens with the backslash.
EDIT 3: Oh, just tested it with the latest b73, it also happens there so it is an actual bug.
Here is the crash report if anyone is interested. [click the text]
@helloana yes even java has bugs
why not liquidbounce?
@notautismatall said in LiquidBounce as a ghost client [FOUND A BUG BELOW]:
@helloana yes even java has bugs
why not liquidbounce?
For recording purposes
commandblock2replied to helloana on 5 Jul 2020, 16:32 last edited by commandblock2 7 May 2020, 18:34
I still remember this post on the old forum.The button related code is here in
And also CzechHek mentioned a possible way using scriptAPI, I think what he is saying it to draw the vanilla button's texture on the top of LiquidBounce-styled button.
Bte it would take more than just editing to make the ui to be vanillaish. More files should be edited.
Btw it is always better to release the modified src when redistribute the modified work(when it is licensed under GPLv3) , or maybe he's just hoping you can do the research yourself
I will put it on my github fork as a branch
In a few hours....
Edit: Here you go: -
@bestnub Thanks a lot, this is really amazing. Stared and watching.
@helloana how he did this