[Kotlin] New Notifications
package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.elements import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce.hud import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.designer.GuiHudDesigner import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Border import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Element import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.ElementInfo import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Side import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.AnimationUtils import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.ClientUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.RenderUtils import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation import java.awt.Color @ElementInfo(name = "Notifications", single = true) class Notifications(x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 30.0, scale: Float = 1F, side: Side = Side(Side.Horizontal.RIGHT, Side.Vertical.DOWN)) : Element(x, y, scale, side) { /** * Example notification for CustomHUD designer */ private val exampleNotification = Notification("Example Notification", Notification.Type.INFO) /** * Draw element */ override fun drawElement(): Border? { var animationY = 30F val notifications = mutableListOf<Notification>() for(i in hud.notifications) notifications.add(i) for(i in notifications) if(mc.currentScreen !is GuiHudDesigner) i.drawNotification(animationY).also { animationY += 32 } else exampleNotification.drawNotification(animationY) if (mc.currentScreen is GuiHudDesigner) { if (!hud.notifications.contains(exampleNotification)) hud.addNotification(exampleNotification) exampleNotification.fadeState = Notification.FadeState.STAY exampleNotification.x = exampleNotification.textLength + 8F return Border(-98F, -58F, 0F, -30F) } return null } } class Notification(message : String,type : Type) { var x = 0f var textLength = 0 private var stay = 0f private var fadeStep = 0f var fadeState = FadeState.IN private var stayTimer = MSTimer() private var firstY = 0f private var animeTime: Long = 0 private var message: String = "" private var type: Type init { this.message = message this.type = type this.firstY = 1919F this.stayTimer.reset() this.textLength = Fonts.font35.getStringWidth(message) } enum class Type { SUCCESS, INFO, WARNING, ERROR } enum class FadeState { IN,STAY,OUT,END } fun drawNotification(animationY: Float) { val delta = RenderUtils.deltaTime val width = textLength.toFloat() + 8.0f var y = animationY if (firstY == 1919.0F) { firstY = y } if (firstY > y) { val cacheY = firstY - (firstY - y) * ((System.currentTimeMillis() - animeTime).toFloat() / 300.0f) if (cacheY <= y) { firstY = cacheY } y = cacheY } else { firstY = y animeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() } RenderUtils.drawRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, -x - 5, -28F - y, Color(255,255,255).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRect(-x -1, -y, -x - 5, -28F - y, when(type) { Type.SUCCESS -> Color(80, 255, 80).rgb Type.ERROR -> Color(255, 80, 80).rgb Type.INFO -> Color(80, 80, 255).rgb Type.WARNING -> Color(255, 255, 80).rgb }) var replacedMessage = message replacedMessage = replacedMessage.replace("Enabled ", "") replacedMessage = replacedMessage.replace("Disabled ", "") if(message.contains("Enabled", true) || message.contains("Disabled", true)) { val stringBuilder = StringBuilder() stringBuilder.append("$replacedMessage Module") replacedMessage = stringBuilder.toString() } Fonts.font35.drawString(replacedMessage, -x + 2, -11F - y, Color(110, 110, 110).rgb) Fonts.font40.drawString(if(message.contains("Enabled")) "Enabled" else if(message.contains("Disabled")) "Disabled" else type.toString(), -x + 2, -23F - y, if(!message.contains("Enabled") && !message.contains("Disabled")) when(type) { Type.SUCCESS -> Color(80, 255, 80).rgb Type.ERROR -> Color(255, 80, 80).rgb Type.INFO -> Color(80, 80, 255).rgb Type.WARNING -> Color(255, 255, 0).rgb } else if(message.contains("Enabled")) Color(80, 255, 80).rgb else Color(255, 80, 80).rgb ) GlStateManager.resetColor() when (fadeState) { FadeState.IN -> { if (x < width) { x = AnimationUtils.easeOut(fadeStep, width) * width fadeStep += delta / 4F } if (x >= width) { fadeState = FadeState.STAY x = width fadeStep = width } stay = 60F } FadeState.STAY -> { if (stay > 0) { stay = 0F stayTimer.reset() } if (stayTimer.hasTimePassed(1500L)) fadeState = FadeState.OUT } FadeState.OUT -> if (x > 0) { x = AnimationUtils.easeOut(fadeStep, width) * width fadeStep -= delta / 4F } else fadeState = FadeState.END FadeState.END -> hud.removeNotification(this) } } }
nice notification animation, btw you should post the topic in Kotlin/Java category instead of Scripts
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cant code^
cant code^
worked fine with me
@idkmyname said in [Kotlin] New Notifications:
cant code^
worked fine with me
liquidsense pastercoder -
im not event have liquidsense
@gameboy And how to put them I do not understand this
@codd3r-cheat-minecraft Liquid bounce source
@gameboy best notifications But not enough time before disappearing notifications
ok skidit
@hktb b73复制b72码子,没谁了
@hktb crossversion moment
how do i use it?
cant code^
export to javaskript
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