How to create working KillSults ?
How to create working KillSults ?
Step 1. Skid
and just change the @all method of the server you want to use it on
@plumer-man AutoL no working!
@vadim-nagetss yes because you need to change something in the code and make sure to use a liquidbounce version wich is supporting the script
@cookiechinese thank!
@cookiechinese and in which tab is the function located ?
var target; var EntityPlayer = Java.type('net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer'); var RedeskyWords = [ "/tell %name% What client? To respond do /r (message)", "Config issue %name%", "Vai foder te para o caralho %name%", "Increve-se ao 'Coccocoa's Helper' no youtube", "Vai te foder %name%", "O anticheat melhor, AAC", "Vips fodem penis.", "Servidor lixo, vai foder vc mesmo.", "Don't use j75's config. Use mine! Sub me on yt, Coccocoa's Helper.", "Win every HvH with my new config! Get on my channel, Coccocoa's Helper.", "Você tem de pegar um hack, eu recommendo o", "Servidor de lx cheio de vips.", "Você é um resto de aborto %name%" ] var script = registerScript({ name: "KillSults", version: "1.0", authors: ["Gabriel"] }); script.registerModule({ name: "KillSults", description: "Insults people when you kill them.", category: "Misc", settings: { Mode: Setting.list({ name: "Mode", default: "Redesky", values: ["L", "Redesky"] }), } }, function (module) { module.on("enable", function () { target = null; }) module.on("attack", function (event) { if (event.getTargetEntity() instanceof EntityPlayer) { target = event.getTargetEntity(); } }) module.on("update", function () { module.tag = module.settings.Mode.get(); if (target != null) { if (target.isDead) { switch (module.settings.Mode.get()) { case "L": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("L " + target.getName()); break; case "Redesky": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage(RedeskyWords[parseInt(Math.random() * RedeskyWords.length)].replace(/%name%/, target.getName())); break; } target = null; } } }) })