[Script] TestScaffold -
A SelfInfo as Akrien Client@ukvaporwaves thx
A SelfInfo as Akrien Client@P1ayerLk_-0 thx
Who has liquidbounce 1.12.2 b2 src?@kawaiinekololis thx
Who has liquidbounce 1.12.2 b2 src?@lol_-I_know_that_you_see_this Thank you very much indeed
A SelfInfo as Akrien ClientI'm using novoline's font system, you can use LiquidBounce instead, note that novoline's font size is twice as large as Liquidbounce's
Effect image:
@ElementInfo(name = "SelfInfo") public class SelfInfo extends Element { //code by younkoo(littledye or 情染) public static IntegerValue rRed = new IntegerValue("Red", 0, 0, 255); public static IntegerValue rGreen = new IntegerValue("Green", 0, 0, 255); public static IntegerValue rBlue = new IntegerValue("Blue", 0, 0, 255); //fix jitter public IntegerValue indx = new IntegerValue("noting",120,0,1000); public IntegerValue indy = new IntegerValue("noting2",80,0,1000); public static Color mainColor() { return new Color(rRed.get(), rGreen.get(), rBlue.get()); } private double armorBarWidth; private double hurttimeBarWidth; private double bpsBarWidth; private double healthBarWidth; public int x2 = indx.get(), y3 = indy.get(); TimerUtil timerHelper = new TimerUtil(); ScaledResolution sr = new ScaledResolution(mc); final float scaledWidth = sr.getScaledWidth(); final float scaledHeight = sr.getScaledHeight(); //code by younkoo(littledye or 情染) //code by younkoo(littledye or 情染) //code by younkoo(littledye or 情染) @Override public Border drawElement(float partialTicks) { double prevZ = mc.thePlayer.posZ - mc.thePlayer.prevPosZ; double prevX = mc.thePlayer.posX - mc.thePlayer.prevPosX; double lastDist = Math.sqrt(prevX * prevX + prevZ * prevZ); double currSpeed = lastDist * 15.3571428571D / 4; final float xX = scaledWidth / 2.0f -x2; final float yX = scaledHeight / 2.0f + y3; VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 4.5, yX + 196.5 - 405, xX + 100.5, yX + 246.5 - 408, new Color(11, 11, 11, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 5, yX + 198 - 405, xX + 100, yX + 246 - 408, new Color(28, 28, 28, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 5, yX + 198 - 405, xX + 100, yX + 208 - 408, new Color(21, 19, 20, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 44, yX + 210 - 406, xX + 95, yX + 213.5 - 406, new Color(41, 41, 41, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 44, yX + 219 - 406, xX + 95, yX + 222.5 - 406, new Color(41, 41, 41, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 44, yX + 228 - 406, xX + 95, yX + 231.5 - 406, new Color(41, 41, 41, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 44, yX + 237 - 406, xX + 95, yX + 240.5 - 406, new Color(41, 41, 41, 255).getRGB()); VisualBase.drawNewRect(xX + 5, yX + 197 - 405, xX + 100, yX + 198 - 405, mainColor().getRGB()); Fonts.SF.SF_14.SF_14.drawString("Indicators", xX + 37, yX + 202 - 406, -1); // armor final float armorValue = mc.thePlayer.getTotalArmorValue(); double armorPercentage = armorValue / 20; armorPercentage = MathHelper.clamp_double(armorPercentage, 0.0, 1.0); final double armorWidth = 51 * armorPercentage; this.armorBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animate(armorWidth, this.armorBarWidth, 0.0229999852180481); VisualUtils.drawRect(xX + 44, yX + 210 - 406, xX + 44 + this.armorBarWidth, yX + 213.5 - 406, mainColor().getRGB()); Fonts.SF.SF_14.SF_14.drawString("Armor", xX + 8, yX + 211 - 406, -1); // HurtTime double hurttimePercentage = MathHelper.clamp_double(mc.thePlayer.hurtTime, 0.0, 0.6); final double hurttimeWidth = 51.0 * hurttimePercentage; this.hurttimeBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animate(hurttimeWidth, this.hurttimeBarWidth, 0.0429999852180481); VisualUtils.drawRect(xX + 44, yX + 219 - 406, xX + 44 + this.hurttimeBarWidth, yX + 222.5 - 406, mainColor().getRGB()); Fonts.SF.SF_14.SF_14.drawString("HurtTime", xX + 8, yX + 220 - 406, -1); // HurtTime double bpsPercentage = MathHelper.clamp_double(currSpeed, 0.0, 1.0); final double bpsBarWidth = 51.0 * bpsPercentage; this.bpsBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animate(bpsBarWidth, this.bpsBarWidth, 0.0329999852180481); VisualUtils.drawRect(xX + 44, yX + 228 - 406, xX + 44 + this.bpsBarWidth, yX + 231.5 - 406, mainColor().getRGB()); Fonts.SF.SF_14.SF_14.drawString("BPS", xX + 8, yX + 229 - 406, -1); // HurtTime final float health = mc.thePlayer.getHealth(); double hpPercentage = health / mc.thePlayer.getMaxHealth(); hpPercentage = MathHelper.clamp_double(hpPercentage, 0.0, 1.0); final double hpWidth = 51.0 * hpPercentage; final String healthStr = String.valueOf((int) mc.thePlayer.getHealth() / 2.0f); if (timerHelper.hasReached(15L)) { this.healthBarWidth = AnimationHelper.animate(hpWidth, this.healthBarWidth, 0.2029999852180481); timerHelper.reset(); } VisualUtils.drawRect(xX + 44, yX + 237 - 406, xX + 44 + this.healthBarWidth, yX + 240.5 - 406, mainColor().getRGB()); Fonts.SF.SF_14.SF_14.drawString("HP", xX + 8, yX + 238 - 406, -1); return new Border(98,-8,194,39); } }
public static void drawNewRect(double left, double top, double right, double bottom, int color) { if (left < right) { double i = left; left = right; right = i; } if (top < bottom) { double j = top; top = bottom; bottom = j; } float f3 = (float)(color >> 24 & 0xFF) / 255.0f; float f = (float)(color >> 16 & 0xFF) / 255.0f; float f1 = (float)(color >> 8 & 0xFF) / 255.0f; float f2 = (float)(color & 0xFF) / 255.0f; Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.getInstance(); WorldRenderer vertexbuffer = tessellator.getWorldRenderer(); GlStateManager.enableBlend(); GlStateManager.disableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(770, 771, 0, 1); GlStateManager.color(f, f1, f2, f3); vertexbuffer.begin(7, DefaultVertexFormats.POSITION); vertexbuffer.pos(left, bottom, 0.0).endVertex(); vertexbuffer.pos(right, bottom, 0.0).endVertex(); vertexbuffer.pos(right, top, 0.0).endVertex(); vertexbuffer.pos(left, top, 0.0).endVertex(); tessellator.draw(); GlStateManager.enableTexture2D(); GlStateManager.disableBlend(); }
public static double animate(double target, double current, double speed) { boolean larger; boolean bl = larger = target > current; if (speed < 0.0) { speed = 0.0; } else if (speed > 1.0) { speed = 1.0; } double dif = Math.max(target, current) - Math.min(target, current); double factor = dif * speed; if (factor < 0.1) { factor = 0.1; } current = larger ? (current += factor) : (current -= factor); return current; }
NCP Towercan bypass BlocksMC
private int towerTicks;
@Override public void onEnable() { towerTicks = 0; }
if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) { towerTicks = 0; } if(mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.isKeyDown() && !MovementUtils.isMoving() && !(mc.theWorld.getBlockState(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY - 1.1, mc.thePlayer.posZ)).getBlock() instanceof BlockAir)) { int IntPosY = (int) mc.thePlayer.posY; if(mc.thePlayer.posY - IntPosY < 0.05) { mc.thePlayer.setPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, IntPosY, mc.thePlayer.posZ); mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.42; towerTicks = 1; } else if(towerTicks == 1) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.34; towerTicks++; } else if(towerTicks == 2) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.25; towerTicks++; } }
Throw it in your tower
code form vestige2.0 October code
Azura-X's Watchdog SpeedWatchdog Fast
public class WatchdogFast extends SpeedMode { public WatchdogFast() { super("WatchdogFast"); } private double speed; private int ticks; @Override public void onEnable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onDisable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) { if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) { if (MoveUtil.isMoving()) { if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.isKeyDown()) return; mc.thePlayer.jump(); BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.5); if (ticks > 0) BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.77); ticks++; } } else if (MoveUtil.isMoving()) { if (mc.thePlayer.motionY > 0.05 && mc.thePlayer.motionY < 0.15) mc.thePlayer.motionY = (float) -0.01; if (mc.thePlayer.motionY > -0.07 && mc.thePlayer.motionY < 0.) mc.thePlayer.motionY = (float) -0.09; } if (!MoveUtil.isMoving()) speed = 0; } @Override public void onUpdate() { } @Override public void onMove(MoveEvent event) { if (!MoveUtil.isMoving() || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally) speed = 0; BhopHelper.setSpeed(MoveUtil.isMoving() ? Math.max(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed(), MoveUtil.getSpeed()) : 0, event); } }
Watchdog Low
public class WatchdogLow extends SpeedMode { public WatchdogLow() { super("WatchdogLow"); } private double speed; private int ticks; @Override public void onEnable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onDisable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) { event.setYaw((float) Math.toDegrees(MoveUtil.getDirection())); boolean doLowHop = !this.mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.jump) && this.mc.thePlayer.fallDistance <= 0.75F && !this.mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally; if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) { if (MoveUtil.isMoving()) { mc.thePlayer.jump(); if (!this.mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.jump)) mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.4; BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.65); if (ticks > 0 && ticks % 2 == 0) { BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.72); } ticks++; } } else if (MoveUtil.isMoving() && doLowHop) { final double groundOffset = MathHelper.round(this.mc.thePlayer.posY - (int) this.mc.thePlayer.posY, 3, 0.0001); if (groundOffset == MathHelper.round(0.4, 3, 0.0001)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.32; } else if (groundOffset == MathHelper.round(0.71, 3, 0.0001)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.04; } else if (groundOffset == MathHelper.round(0.75, 3, 0.0001)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = -0.2; } else if (groundOffset == MathHelper.round(0.55, 3, 0.0001)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = -0.15; } else if (groundOffset == MathHelper.round(0.41, 3, 0.0001)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = -0.2; } } if (!MoveUtil.isMoving()) speed = 0; } @Override public void onUpdate() { } @Override public void onMove(MoveEvent event) { if (!MoveUtil.isMoving() || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally) speed = 0; final double value = MoveUtil.isMoving() ? Math.max(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed(), MoveUtil.getSpeed()) : 0, yaw = MoveUtil.getDirection(), x = -Math.sin(yaw) * value, z = Math.cos(yaw) * value; event.setX(x - (x - event.getX()) * (1.0 - 80F / 100)); event.setZ(z - (z - event.getZ()) * (1.0 - 80F / 100)); BhopHelper.setSpeed(MoveUtil.isMoving() ? Math.max(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed(), MoveUtil.getSpeed()) : 0, event); } }
Watchdog Slow
public class WatchdogSlow extends SpeedMode { public WatchdogSlow() { super("WatchdogSlow"); } private double speed; private int ticks; @Override public void onEnable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onDisable() { speed = 0; ticks = 0; } @Override public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) { if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) { if (MoveUtil.isMoving()) { if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.isKeyDown()) return; mc.thePlayer.jump(); switch (ticks) { case 0: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.63); ticks++; break; case 1: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.75); ticks++; break; case 2: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.67); ticks++; break; case 3: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.74); ticks++; break; case 4: case 5: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.7); ticks++; break; case 6: case 7: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.64); ticks++; break; case 8: BhopHelper.setSpeed(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed() * 1.68); ticks = 0; break; } } } if (!MoveUtil.isMoving()) speed = 0; } @Override public void onUpdate() { } @Override public void onMove(MoveEvent event) { if (!MoveUtil.isMoving() || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally) speed = 0; BhopHelper.setSpeed(MoveUtil.isMoving() ? Math.max(BhopHelper.getBaseSpeed(), MoveUtil.getSpeed()) : 0, event); } }
My BhopHelper
public class BhopHelper extends MinecraftInstance { public static final double JUMP_MOTION = 0.41999998688698; public static void setSpeed(double value, MoveEvent e) { double yaw = getDirection(); double x = -Math.sin(yaw) * value; double z = Math.cos(yaw) * value; e.setX(x); e.setZ(z); } public static float getBaseSpeed() { float baseSpeed = mc.thePlayer.capabilities.getWalkSpeed() * 2.873f; if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) { final int ampl = mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier(); baseSpeed *= 1.0 + (0.2 * ampl); } return baseSpeed; } public static double getBaseMoveSpeed() { double speed = 0.2873; if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) { int amplifier = mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier(); speed *= 1.0 + 0.2 * (amplifier + 1); } return speed; } public static void strafe() { strafe(getHorizontalMotion()); } public static void strafe(MoveEvent event) { strafe(event, getHorizontalMotion()); } public static void strafe(double speed) { float direction = (float) Math.toRadians(getPlayerDirection()); if (isMoving()) { mc.thePlayer.motionX = -Math.sin(direction) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = Math.cos(direction) * speed; } else { mc.thePlayer.motionX = mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0; } } public static float[] getRotations(EntityLivingBase entity) { double deltaX = entity.posX + (entity.posX - entity.lastTickPosX) - mc.thePlayer.posX, deltaY = entity.posY - 3.5 + entity.getEyeHeight() - mc.thePlayer.posY + mc.thePlayer.getEyeHeight(), deltaZ = entity.posZ + (entity.posZ - entity.lastTickPosZ) - mc.thePlayer.posZ, distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaZ, 2)); float yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees(-Math.atan(deltaX / deltaZ)), pitch = (float) -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(deltaY / distance)); if(deltaX < 0 && deltaZ < 0) { yaw = (float) (90 + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(deltaZ / deltaX))); }else if(deltaX > 0 && deltaZ < 0) { yaw = (float) (-90 + Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(deltaZ / deltaX))); } return new float[] {yaw, pitch}; } public static void strafe(MoveEvent event, double speed) { float direction; KillAura killaura = (KillAura) LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(KillAura.class); TargetStrafe targetStrafe = (TargetStrafe) LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(TargetStrafe.class); if(killaura.getState() && killaura.getTarget() != null && targetStrafe.getState()) { if(!isBlockUnder() || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally) { targetStrafe.direction = !targetStrafe.direction; } if(mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(killaura.getTarget()) >= targetStrafe.getRadiusValue().get()) { direction = getRotations(killaura.getTarget())[0]; } else { direction = getRotations(killaura.getTarget())[0] + (targetStrafe.direction ? 91 - mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(killaura.getTarget()) * 3 : -91 + mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(killaura.getTarget()) * 3); } direction = (float) Math.toRadians(direction); } else { direction = (float) Math.toRadians(getPlayerDirection()); } if (isMoving()) { event.setX(mc.thePlayer.motionX = -Math.sin(direction) * speed); event.setZ(mc.thePlayer.motionZ = Math.cos(direction) * speed); } else { event.setX(mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0); event.setZ(mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0); } } public static float getPlayerDirection() { float direction = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0) { if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0) { direction -= 45; } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0) { direction += 45; } } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0) { if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0) { direction -= 135; } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0) { direction += 135; } else { direction -= 180; } } else { if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0) { direction -= 90; } else if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0) { direction += 90; } } return direction; } public static double getHorizontalMotion() { return Math.hypot(mc.thePlayer.motionX, mc.thePlayer.motionZ); } public static boolean isMoving() { return mc.thePlayer.moveForward != 0 || mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing != 0; } public static float setFriction(float speed, float friction) { float percent = friction; float value = speed / 100.0F * percent; return value; } public static void setSpeed(MoveEvent moveEvent, double moveSpeed, float yaw, double forward, double strafe) { if (forward != 0.0D) { if (strafe > 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? -45 : 45); } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? 45 : -45); } strafe = 0.0D; if (forward > 0.0D) { forward = 1.0D; } else if (forward < 0.0D) { forward = -1.0D; } } if (strafe > 0.0D) { strafe = 1.0D; } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { strafe = -1.0D; } double mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); double mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); moveEvent.setX(forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz); moveEvent.setZ(forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx); } public static void setSpeed(double moveSpeed) { float rotationYaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; MovementInput movementInput = mc.thePlayer.movementInput; double strafe = movementInput.moveStrafe; MovementInput movementInput2 = mc.thePlayer.movementInput; setSpeed(moveSpeed, rotationYaw, strafe, movementInput.moveForward); } public static void setSpeed(double moveSpeed, float yaw, double strafe, double forward) { if (forward != 0.0D) { if (strafe > 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? -45 : 45); } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? 45 : -45); } strafe = 0.0D; if (forward > 0.0D) { forward = 1.0D; } else if (forward < 0.0D) { forward = -1.0D; } } if (strafe > 0.0D) { strafe = 1.0D; } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { strafe = -1.0D; } double mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); double mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); mc.thePlayer.motionX = forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx; } }
My MathHelper
public class MathHelper { public static double getRandom_double(double min, double max) { if (min > max) return min; Random RANDOM = new Random(); return RANDOM.nextDouble() * (max - min) + min; } public static float getRandom_float(float min, float max) { if (min > max) return min; Random RANDOM = new Random(); return RANDOM.nextFloat() * (max - min) + min; } public static long getRandom_long(long min, long max) { if (min > max) return min; Random RANDOM = new Random(); return RANDOM.nextLong() * (max - min) + min; } public static int getRandom_int(int min, int max) { if (min > max) return min; Random RANDOM = new Random(); return RANDOM.nextInt(max) + min; } public static byte getRandom_byte(byte min, byte max) { if (min > max) return min; Random RANDOM = new Random(); return (byte) (RANDOM.nextInt(max) + min); } public static double getDifference(double base, double yaw) { final double bigger; if (base >= yaw) bigger = base - yaw; else bigger = yaw - base; return bigger; } public static float getDifference(float base, float yaw) { float bigger; if (base >= yaw) bigger = base - yaw; else bigger = yaw - base; return bigger; } public static long getDifference(long base, long yaw) { long bigger; if (base >= yaw) bigger = base - yaw; else bigger = yaw - base; return bigger; } public static double round(double value, int scale, double inc) { final double halfOfInc = inc / 2.0; final double floored = Math.floor(value / inc) * inc; if (value >= floored + halfOfInc) return new BigDecimal(Math.ceil(value / inc) * inc) .setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) .doubleValue(); else return new BigDecimal(floored) .setScale(scale, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) .doubleValue(); } }
public class MoveUtil { public void strafe(MoveEvent event) { strafe(event, getSpeed()); } public static void strafe(MoveEvent moveEvent, double movementSpeed) { if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward > 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward = (float) 1.0; } else if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward < 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward = (float) -1.0; } if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe > 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe = (float) 1.0; } else if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe < 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe = (float) -1.0; } if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward == 0.0 && mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe == 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0.0; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0.0; } if (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward != 0.0 && mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe != 0.0) { mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward *= ApacheMath.sin(0.6398355709958845); mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe *= ApacheMath.cos(0.6398355709958845); } if (moveEvent != null) { moveEvent.setX(mc.thePlayer.motionX = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward * movementSpeed * -ApacheMath.sin(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)) + mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe * movementSpeed * ApacheMath.cos(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw))); moveEvent.setZ(mc.thePlayer.motionZ = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward * movementSpeed * ApacheMath.cos(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)) - mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe * movementSpeed * -ApacheMath.sin(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw))); } else { mc.thePlayer.motionX = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward * movementSpeed * -ApacheMath.sin(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)) + mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe * movementSpeed * ApacheMath.cos(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)); mc.thePlayer.motionZ = mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward * movementSpeed * ApacheMath.cos(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)) - mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe * movementSpeed * -ApacheMath.sin(ApacheMath.toRadians(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw)); } } public static boolean isBlockUnderneath(BlockPos pos) { for (int k = 0; k < pos.getY() + 1; k++) { if (mc.theWorld.getBlockState(new BlockPos(pos.getX(), k, pos.getZ())).getBlock().getMaterial() != Material.air) { return true; } } return false; } public static float getSpeed2() { return (float) Math.sqrt(mc.thePlayer.motionX * mc.thePlayer.motionX + mc.thePlayer.motionZ * mc.thePlayer.motionZ); } private static final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); public static Float movementYaw; public static double getMotion(final EntityLivingBase player) { return MathUtils.distance(player.prevPosX, player.prevPosZ, player.posX, player.posZ); } public static void setSpeed(final MoveEvent moveEvent, final double moveSpeed) { setSpeed(moveEvent, moveSpeed, mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw, mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe, mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward); } public static void setSpeed(final MoveEvent moveEvent, final double moveSpeed, final float pseudoYaw, final double pseudoStrafe, final double pseudoForward) { double forward = pseudoForward; double strafe = pseudoStrafe; float yaw = pseudoYaw; if (forward != 0.0) { if (strafe > 0.0) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0) ? -25 : 25); } else if (strafe < 0.0) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0) ? 25 : -25); } strafe = 0.0F; if (forward > 0.0) { forward = 0.1F; } else if (forward < 0.0) { forward = -0.1F; } } if (strafe > 0.0) { strafe = 1F; } else if (strafe < 0.0) { strafe = -1F; } double mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); double mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); moveEvent.setX((forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz)); moveEvent.setZ((forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx)); } public static void setSpeed( MoveEvent e, double speed, float forward, float strafing, float yaw) { boolean reversed = forward < 0.0f; float strafingYaw = 90.0f * (forward > 0.0f ? 0.5f : reversed ? -0.5f : 1.0f); if (reversed) yaw += 180.0f; if (strafing > 0.0f) yaw -= strafingYaw; else if (strafing < 0.0f) yaw += strafingYaw; double x = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw + 90.0f)); double z = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw)); e.setX(x * speed); e.setZ(z * speed); } public static void setSpeed(double moveSpeed, float yaw, double strafe, double forward) { double fforward = forward; double sstrafe = strafe; float yyaw = yaw; if (forward != 0.0D) { if (strafe > 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? -45 : 45); } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? 45 : -45); } strafe = 0.0D; if (forward > 0.0D) { forward = 1.0D; } else if (forward < 0.0D) { forward = -1.0D; } } if (strafe > 0.0D) { strafe = 1.0D; } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { strafe = -1.0D; } double mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); double mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); mc.thePlayer.motionX = forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx; } public static double getDirection(final float yaw) { float rotationYaw = yaw; if (movementYaw != null) { rotationYaw = movementYaw; } if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0F) rotationYaw += 180F; float forward = 1F; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0F) forward = -0.5F; else if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0F) forward = 0.5F; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0F) rotationYaw -= 90F * forward; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0F) rotationYaw += 90F * forward; return Math.toRadians(rotationYaw); } public static double getAllowedHorizontalDistance() { double horizontalDistance; boolean useBaseModifiers = false; if (PlayerUtil.getBlockRelativeToPlayer(0, 0, 0) instanceof BlockWeb) { horizontalDistance = 0.105; } else if (isInLiquid()) { horizontalDistance = 0.115F; } else if (mc.thePlayer.isSneaking()) { horizontalDistance = 0.3F * 0.221; } else { horizontalDistance = 0.221; useBaseModifiers = true; } if (useBaseModifiers) { if (Math.abs(mc.thePlayer.moveForward) >= 0.8F || Math.abs(mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing) >= 0.8F) { horizontalDistance *= 1.3F; } if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed) && mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getDuration() > 0) { horizontalDistance *= 1 + (0.2 * (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1)); } if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSlowdown)) { horizontalDistance = 0.29; } } final Block below = PlayerUtil.getBlockRelativeToPlayer(0, -1, 0); if (below == Blocks.ice || below == Blocks.packed_ice) { horizontalDistance *= 2.5F; } return horizontalDistance; } public static boolean isOnGround(final double height) { return !mc.theWorld.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(mc.thePlayer, mc.thePlayer.getEntityBoundingBox().offset(0.0, -height, 0.0)).isEmpty(); } /** * Used to get the players speed */ public static double getSpeed() { // nigga hypot heavy return Math.hypot(mc.thePlayer.motionX, mc.thePlayer.motionZ); } /** * Sets current speed to itself make strafe */ public static void strafe() { strafe(getSpeed()); } /** * Checks if the player is moving */ public static boolean isMoving() { return mc.thePlayer != null && (mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward != 0F || mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe != 0F); } public static void stop() { mc.thePlayer.motionX = mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0; } /** * Sets players speed, with floats */ public static void strafe(final float speed) { if (!isMoving()) return; final double yaw = getDirection(); mc.thePlayer.motionX = -MathHelper.sin((float) yaw) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = MathHelper.cos((float) yaw) * speed; } /** * Used to get the players speed, with doubles */ public static void strafe(final double speed) { if (!isMoving()) return; final double yaw = getDirection(); mc.thePlayer.motionX = -MathHelper.sin((float) yaw) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = MathHelper.cos((float) yaw) * speed; } public static void strafe(final double speed, double yaw) { if (!isMoving()) return; if (Helper.INSTANCE.getMoveYaw() != 0) { yaw = Helper.INSTANCE.getMoveYaw(); } mc.thePlayer.motionX = -MathHelper.sin((float) yaw) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = MathHelper.cos((float) yaw) * speed; } public static void forward(final double speed) { final double yaw = getDirection(); mc.thePlayer.motionX = -Math.sin(yaw) * speed; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = Math.cos(yaw) * speed; } public static double moveSpeed() { if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindSprint.isKeyDown()) { if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) { if (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1 == 1) { return 0.18386012061481244; } else { return 0.21450346015841276; } } else { return 0.15321676228437875; } } else { if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) { if (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1 == 1) { return 0.14143085686761; } else { return 0.16500264553372018; } } else { return 0.11785905094607611; } } } /** * Gets the direction of were the player is looking */ public static double getDirection() { float rotationYaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0F) rotationYaw += 180F; float forward = 1F; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0F) forward = -0.5F; else if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward > 0F) forward = 0.5F; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0F) rotationYaw -= 90F * forward; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0F) rotationYaw += 90F * forward; return Math.toRadians(rotationYaw); } public static double getDirectionWrappedTo90() { float rotationYaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (mc.thePlayer.moveForward < 0F && mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing == 0F) rotationYaw += 180F; final float forward = 1F; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing > 0F) rotationYaw -= 90F * forward; if (mc.thePlayer.moveStrafing < 0F) rotationYaw += 90F * forward; return Math.toRadians(rotationYaw); } /** * Used to get base movement speed */ public static double getBaseMoveSpeed() { double baseSpeed = 0.2873D; if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) baseSpeed *= 1.0D + 0.2D * (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1); return baseSpeed; } public static double getBaseMoveSpeedOther() { double baseSpeed = 0.2875D; if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(Potion.moveSpeed)) baseSpeed *= 1.0D + 0.2D * (mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed).getAmplifier() + 1); return baseSpeed; } public static double getJumpMotion(float motionY) { final Potion potion = Potion.jump; if (mc.thePlayer.isPotionActive(potion)) { final int amplifier = mc.thePlayer.getActivePotionEffect(potion).getAmplifier(); motionY += (amplifier + 1) * 0.1F; } return motionY; } public static double getPredictedMotionY(final double motionY) { return (motionY - 0.08) * 0.98F; } public static void setMoveEventSpeed(final MoveEvent moveEvent, final double moveSpeed) { setMoveEvent(moveEvent, moveSpeed, mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw, mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveStrafe, mc.thePlayer.movementInput.moveForward); } // jumps without setting motionY to 0.42F // in other words, increases motionX/Z and everything else that the jump method does, allowing a custom motionY public static void jumpNoMotionY() { double motionY = mc.thePlayer.motionY; mc.thePlayer.jump(); mc.thePlayer.motionY = motionY; } public static Vector2d getMotion(final double moveSpeed) { final MovementInput movementInput = mc.thePlayer.movementInput; double moveForward = movementInput.moveForward; double moveStrafe = movementInput.moveStrafe; double rotationYaw = mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw; if (moveForward != 0.0D || moveStrafe != 0.0D) { if (moveStrafe > 0) { moveStrafe = 1; } else if (moveStrafe < 0) { moveStrafe = -1; } if (moveForward != 0.0D) { if (moveStrafe > 0.0D) { rotationYaw += moveForward > 0.0D ? -45 : 45; } else if (moveStrafe < 0.0D) { rotationYaw += moveForward > 0.0D ? 45 : -45; } moveStrafe = 0.0D; if (moveForward > 0.0D) { moveForward = 1.0D; } else if (moveForward < 0.0D) { moveForward = -1.0D; } } rotationYaw *= 0.995; final double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotationYaw + 90.0F)); final double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotationYaw + 90.0F)); return new Vector2d(moveForward * moveSpeed * cos + moveStrafe * moveSpeed * sin, moveForward * moveSpeed * sin - moveStrafe * moveSpeed * cos); } return new Vector2d(0, 0); } public static void setMoveEvent(final MoveEvent moveEvent, final double moveSpeed, final float pseudoYaw, final double pseudoStrafe, final double pseudoForward) { double forward = pseudoForward; double strafe = pseudoStrafe; float yaw = pseudoYaw; if (forward != 0.0D) { if (strafe > 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? -45 : 45); } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { yaw += ((forward > 0.0D) ? 45 : -45); } strafe = 0.0D; if (forward > 0.0D) { forward = 1.0D; } else if (forward < 0.0D) { forward = -1.0D; } } if (strafe > 0.0D) { strafe = 1.0D; } else if (strafe < 0.0D) { strafe = -1.0D; } final double mx = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); final double mz = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((yaw + 90.0F))); moveEvent.setX(forward * moveSpeed * mx + strafe * moveSpeed * mz); moveEvent.setZ(forward * moveSpeed * mz - strafe * moveSpeed * mx); } }
speed codes form Azura-X : )
Azura-X's Watchdog Critwrite in motionevent
if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) { event.y += 0.003 + PlayerHelper.getWatchdogUnpatchValues() if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 2 === 0) event.y += 0.004 + PlayerHelper.getWatchdogUnpatchValues() event.onGround = mc.thePlayer.motionY > 0 || MathHelper.getDifference( mc.thePlayer.posY, mc.thePlayer.lastTickPosY ) > 0 } else if (mc.thePlayer.motionY > 0) { event.y -= 0.0003 + PlayerHelper.getWatchdogUnpatchValues() if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 2 === 0) event.y += 0.0004 + PlayerHelper.getWatchdogUnpatchValues() }
public static double getWatchdogUnpatchValues() { double value = 1.0 / System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < master.koitoyuu.utils.helper.MathHelper.getRandom_int(4, 20); i++) value *= 1.0 / System.currentTimeMillis(); return value; }
Who has liquidbounce 1.12.2 b2 src?As in the title , I need liquidbounce 1.12.2 b2 src. Because legacy's api It's troublesome. thx
I Made A Simple SessionInfo@CookieChinese AutoGG Module来自于SpaceKing
I Made A Simple SessionInfo -
[Test] Invtave DisablerDisabler Code
PacketUtils Skid From FDPClientprivate final Queue<Packet<?>> linkedQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private final TimeHelper timer = new TimeHelper(); private boolean sendAll; @Override public void onEnable() { this.timer.reset(); this.linkedQueue.clear(); this.sendAll = true; } @EventTarget public void onUpdate(UpdateEvent event) { if (mc.thePlayer == null) { return; } if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted < 3) { this.linkedQueue.clear(); this.timer.reset(); } if (mc.thePlayer != null && mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted < 150) { this.sendAll = true; } if (this.sendAll && this.timer.reach(1000L * RandomUtils.nextInt(5, 20))) { boolean maxed = this.linkedQueue.size() >= 500; if (!maxed && !this.linkedQueue.isEmpty()) { Packet<?> packet = this.linkedQueue.poll(); PacketUtils.sendPacketNoEvent((Packet<INetHandlerPlayServer>) packet); } this.timer.reset(); } } @EventTarget public void onPacket(PacketEvent event) { if (event.getPacket() instanceof C00PacketKeepAlive) { event.cancelEvent(); this.linkedQueue.add(event.getPacket()); } if (event.getPacket() instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction) { C0FPacketConfirmTransaction packet = (C0FPacketConfirmTransaction) event.getPacket(); if (packet.getUid() > 0 && packet.getUid() < 75) { return; } this.linkedQueue.add(event.getPacket()); event.cancelEvent(); } if (event.getPacket() instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction && mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 2 == 0 && !Objects.requireNonNull(LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(Scaffold.class)).isToggled()) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (Objects.requireNonNull(LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(Scaffold.class)).isToggled() && event.getPacket() instanceof C0BPacketEntityAction) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (mc.thePlayer != null && mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted < 8) { this.linkedQueue.clear(); this.timer.reset(); } }
package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils; public class TimeHelper { private long prevMS; public boolean reach(double milliSeconds) { return (float) (this.getTime() - this.prevMS) >= milliSeconds; } public void reset() { this.prevMS = this.getTime(); } private long getTime() { return System.nanoTime() / 1000000L; } public long getMs() { return (getDelay() / 1000000L) - this.prevMS; } public long getDelay() { return System.nanoTime(); } } TestTestTestTest!!!!!
Hypixel InvMoveAdd in your InvMove Module
Add this to Switch
private final BoolValue hypixelBypass = new BoolValue("HypixelBypass", false);
This write on Packet Event
if(hypixelBypass.get()) { if (mc.currentScreen != null && !(mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat) && mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiInventory) { if (event.getPacket() instanceof S08PacketPlayerPosLook) { event.cancelEvent(); ClientUtils.displayChatMessage("Trying Disabled S08..."); if (event.getPacket() instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction) { event.cancelEvent(); ClientUtils.displayChatMessage("Trying Disabled C0F..."); } } } }
I Made A Simple SessionInfoPreview:
@ElementInfo(name = "Session") class Session(x: Double = 15.0, y: Double = 10.0, scale: Float = 1F, side: Side = Side(Side.Horizontal.LEFT, Side.Vertical.UP) ) : Element(x, y, scale, side) { private val radiusValue = FloatValue("Radius", 4.25f, 0f, 10f) private val bgredValue = IntegerValue("Bg-R", 255, 0, 255) private val bggreenValue = IntegerValue("Bg-G", 255, 0, 255) private val bgblueValue = IntegerValue("Bg-B", 255, 0, 255) private val bgalphaValue = IntegerValue("Bg-Alpha", 150, 0, 255) val lineValue = BoolValue("Line", true) private val redValue = IntegerValue("Line-R", 255, 0, 255) private val greenValue = IntegerValue("Line-G", 255, 0, 255) private val blueValue = IntegerValue("Line-B", 255, 0, 255) private val colorRedValue2 = IntegerValue("Line-R2", 0, 0, 255) private val colorGreenValue2 = IntegerValue("Line-G2", 111, 0, 255) private val colorBlueValue2 = IntegerValue("Line-B2", 255, 0, 255) val fontValue = FontValue("Font", Fonts.font35) override fun drawElement(): Border? { val fontRenderer = fontValue.get() val y2 = fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 5 + 11.0 val x2 = 140.0 var durationInMillis: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() - LiquidBounce.playTimeStart var second = durationInMillis / 1000 % 60 var minute = durationInMillis / (1000 * 60) % 60 var hour = durationInMillis / (1000 * 60 * 60) % 24 var time: String time = String.format("%02dh %02dm %02ds", hour, minute, second) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-2f, -2f, x2.toFloat(), y2.toFloat(), radiusValue.get(), Color(bgredValue.get(), bggreenValue.get(), bgblueValue.get(), bgalphaValue.get()).rgb) if(lineValue.get()) { RenderUtils.drawGradientSideways( 2.44, fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 2.5 + 0.0, 138.0 + -2.44, fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 2.5 + 1.16, Color(redValue.get(), greenValue.get(), blueValue.get()).rgb, Color(colorRedValue2.get(), colorGreenValue2.get(), colorBlueValue2.get()).rgb ) } val autogg = LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(AutoGG::class.java) as AutoGG? fontRenderer.drawCenteredString("Session Info", x2.toFloat() / 2f, 3f, Color.WHITE.rgb, true) fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow("Play Time: $time", 2f, fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 8f, Color.WHITE.rgb) fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow("Players Killed: " + CombatListener.killCounts,2f , fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 2 + 8f, Color.WHITE.rgb) fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow("Win: " + autogg!!.getWin(), 2f, fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 3 + 8f, Color.WHITE.rgb) fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow("Total: " + CombatListener.totalPlayed, 2f, fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 4 + 8f, Color.WHITE.rgb) return Border(-2f, -2f, x2.toFloat(), y2.toFloat()) } }
object CombatListener : Listenable { var syncEntity: EntityLivingBase? = null var killCounts = 0 var totalPlayed = 0 var win = 0 var startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() @EventTarget private fun onAttack(event: AttackEvent) { syncEntity = event.targetEntity as EntityLivingBase? } @EventTarget private fun onUpdate(event: UpdateEvent) { if(syncEntity != null && syncEntity!!.isDead) { ++killCounts syncEntity = null } } @EventTarget(ignoreCondition = true) private fun onPacket(event: PacketEvent) { val packet = event.packet if (event.packet is C00Handshake) startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() if (packet is S45PacketTitle) { val title = packet.message.formattedText if(title.contains("Winner")){ win++ } if(title.contains("BedWar")){ totalPlayed++ } if(title.contains("SkyWar")){ totalPlayed++ } } } override fun handleEvents() = true init { LiquidBounce.eventManager.registerListener(this) } }
@ModuleInfo(name = "AutoGG", description = "End a game send GG", category = ModuleCategory.MISC,spacedName = "Auto GG") public class AutoGG extends Module { private TextValue ggMessage = new TextValue("GGMessage", "[QingRanSense] GG try to buy QingRanSense"); private TextValue winMessage = new TextValue("WinMessage", "Winner"); private BoolValue play = new BoolValue("AutoPlay",true); private BoolValue disable = new BoolValue("AutoDisable",true); private ListValue mode = new ListValue("Mode", new String[] {"BedWars_1v1", "BedWars_2v2", "BedWars_3v3","BedWars_4v4", "SkyWars_Solo", "SkyWars_Solo_Insane","SkyWars_Solo_LuckyBlock","SkyWars_Team","SkyWars_Team_Insane","SkyWars_Team_LuckyBlock","SurivialGames_Solo","SurivialGames_Team","MiniWalls"}, "SkyWars_Solo"); private IntegerValue delay = new IntegerValue("Delay", 3, 0, 5); public static boolean winning = false; private TimerUtil timer = new TimerUtil(); private Timer timer1 = new Timer(); private double time = 0.0; public int win = 0; int a; @Override public String getTag() { return mode.get(); } @EventTarget public void onPacket(PacketEvent packetEvent) { Packet<?> packet = packetEvent.getPacket(); if(packet instanceof S02PacketChat) { if(((S02PacketChat) packet).getChatComponent().getUnformattedText().contains(winMessage.get())) { mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage(ggMessage.get()); winning = true; int delay1 = delay.get(); if(disable.get()) { LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(KillAura.class).setState(false); LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(ChestStealer.class).setState(false); LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(InvManager.class).setState(false); LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(ChestAura.class).setState(false); win += 1; LiquidBounce.hud.addNotification(new Notification("Will Send You to Next Game", Notification.Type.SUCCESS, delay1 * 1000 - 500)); } if(play.get()) { this.timer1.schedule(new TimerTask() { public void run() { switch (mode.get()) { case "BedWars_1v1": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play bedwars_eight_one"); break; case "BedWars_2v2": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play bedwars_eight_two"); break; case "BedWars_3v3": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play bedwars_four_three"); break; case "BedWars_4v4": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play bedwars_four_four"); break; case "SkyWars_Solo": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play solo_normal"); break; case "SkyWars_Solo_Insane": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play solo_insane"); break; case "SkyWars_Solo_LuckyBlock": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play solo_insane_lucky"); break; case "SkyWars_Team": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play teams_normal"); break; case "SkyWars_Team_Insane": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play teams_insane"); break; case "SkyWars_Team_LuckyBlock": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play teams_insane_lucky"); break; case "SurivialGames_Solo": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play blitz_solo_normal"); break; case "SurivialGames_Team": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play blitz_teams_normal"); break; case "MiniWalls": mc.thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/play arcade_mini_walls"); break; } winning = false; } }, (delay.get().longValue() * 10) * 100); } } } } @Override public void onDisable() { a = -40; winning = false; } public int getWin(){ return win; } }
And Add this in your LiquidBounce.kt
var playTimeStart: Long = 0
CubeCraft DisablerCode
KillAura killAura = (KillAura) LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(KillAura.class); EntityPlayerSP entityPlayerSP; @EventTarget public void onPacket(PacketEvent event) { if(killAura == null) { return; } Packet p = event.getPacket(); if (p instanceof C03PacketPlayer.C06PacketPlayerPosLook && !Objects.requireNonNull(LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(Scaffold.class)).isToggled()) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (p instanceof C03PacketPlayer && !((C03PacketPlayer)p).isMoving() && !mc.thePlayer.isUsingItem()) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (p instanceof C00PacketKeepAlive) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (p instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (p instanceof C0CPacketInput) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (p instanceof C01PacketPing) { event.cancelEvent(); } if (killAura.getTarget() == null) { assert (p instanceof C0BPacketEntityAction); C0BPacketEntityAction c0B = (C0BPacketEntityAction)p; if (c0B.getAction().equals(C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)) { if (entityPlayerSP.serverSprintState) { sendPacketSilent(new C0BPacketEntityAction(mc.thePlayer, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SPRINTING)); entityPlayerSP.serverSprintState = false; } event.cancelEvent(); } } } public void sendPacketSilent(Packet packet) { mc.getNetHandler().getNetworkManager().sendPacket(packet, null, new GenericFutureListener[0]); }
BlocksMc DisablerCode
EntityPlayerSP entityPlayerSP; private final Queue<Packet<?>> packet = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque(); float voidTP; @Override public void onEnable() { if (mc.isSingleplayer()) { return; } if (mc.thePlayer != null) { mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted = 0; } } @EventTarget public void onPacket(PacketEvent event) { Packet p = event.getPacket(); if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted < 250 && p instanceof S07PacketRespawn) { this.packet.clear(); return; } if (p instanceof C0BPacketEntityAction) { C0BPacketEntityAction c0B = (C0BPacketEntityAction)p; if (c0B.getAction().equals(C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SPRINTING)) { if (entityPlayerSP.serverSprintState) { sendPacketSilent(new C0BPacketEntityAction(mc.thePlayer, C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SPRINTING)); entityPlayerSP.serverSprintState = false; } event.cancelEvent(); } if (c0B.getAction().equals(C0BPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SPRINTING)) { event.cancelEvent(); } } if (p instanceof C00PacketKeepAlive || p instanceof C0FPacketConfirmTransaction) { packet.add(p); event.cancelEvent(); if (packet.size() > 500) { sendPacketSilent(this.packet.poll()); } } if (p instanceof C03PacketPlayer) { if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 50 == 0) { sendPacketUnlogged(new C18PacketSpectate(UUID.randomUUID())); voidTP = (float) MathHelper.getRandomDoubleInRange(new Random(), 0.78, 0.98); sendPacketUnlogged(new C0CPacketInput(voidTP, voidTP, false, false)); } if (mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 120 == 0) { voidTP = (float)MathHelper.getRandomDoubleInRange(new Random(), 0.01, 20.0); } } } public static void sendPacketUnlogged(Packet<? extends INetHandler> packet) { mc.getNetHandler().getNetworkManager().sendPacket(packet); } public void sendPacketSilent(Packet packet) { mc.getNetHandler().getNetworkManager().sendPacket(packet, null, new GenericFutureListener[0]); }
Hypixel NoSlowCode:
case "Hypixel": if (event.isPre()) { final int curSlot = mc.thePlayer.inventory.currentItem; final int spoof = curSlot == 0 ? 1 : -1; mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(curSlot + spoof)); mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(curSlot)); } if (event.isPost()) { mc.getNetHandler().addToSendQueue(new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(mc.thePlayer.inventory.getCurrentItem())); } break;
on Packet
case "Hypixel": if (event.getPacket() instanceof S30PacketWindowItems) if(mc.thePlayer.isUsingItem()) { event.cancelEvent(); } break;
Share My UIs && Shader backgroundMy Simple GuiMainMenu As this
My Shader
Codepackage master.koitoyuu.ui import master.koitoyuu.ui.login.LoginButton import master.koitoyuu.utils.Translate import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.GuiBackground import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.GuiModsMenu import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.altmanager.GuiAltManager import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts import net.minecraft.client.gui.* import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 import java.awt.Color class MeMainMenu : GuiScreen(), GuiYesNoCallback { var alpha = 255 private var currentX = 0f private var currentY = 0f var translate: Translate? = null var hue = 0.0f override fun initGui() { val defaultHeight = this.height / 4 + 30 val defaultWidth = this.width / 2 - 60 val buttonWidth = 120 val buttonHeight = 20 this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(0, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Single Player")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(1, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 25, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Multi Player")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(2, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 50, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Alt Manager")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(3, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 75, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Script Manager")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(4, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 100, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Back Ground")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(5, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 125, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Game Options")) this.buttonList.add(LoginButton(6, defaultWidth, defaultHeight + 150, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, "Quit Game")) translate = Translate(0f, 0f) super.initGui() } override fun drawScreen(mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, partialTicks: Float) { val defaultHeight = this.height / 4 + 30 val defaultWidth = this.width / 2 - 60 //ChangeInfos val changes = ArrayList<String>() changes.add("#221017") changes.add("[+] Add LoginGui") changes.add("[+] Add New Menu") changes.add("") drawBackground(0) hue += 1f if (hue > 255.0f) { hue = 0.0f } translate?.interpolate(width.toFloat(), height.toFloat(), 4.0) val xmod2 = width / 2 - (translate!!.x / 2).toDouble() val ymod2 = height / 2 - (translate!!.y / 2).toDouble() GlStateManager.translate(xmod2, ymod2, 0.0) GlStateManager.scale(translate!!.x / width, translate!!.y / height, 1f) //ClientUpdate Fonts.sf40.drawStringWithShadow("Changelog:", 5f, 5f, Color(255, 255, 255, 220).rgb) //循环绘制info for (i in changes.indices) { Fonts.sf35.drawStringWithShadow(changes[i], 5f, 16f + i * 12, Color(255, 255, 255, 220).rgb) } super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks) } override fun actionPerformed(button: GuiButton) { when (button.id) { 0 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiSelectWorld(this)) 1 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiMultiplayer(this)) 2 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiAltManager(this)) 3 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiModsMenu(this)) 4 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiBackground(this)) 5 -> mc.displayGuiScreen(GuiOptions(this, mc.gameSettings)) 6 -> mc.shutdown() } } override fun keyTyped(typedChar: Char, keyCode: Int) {} }
A Simple GuiLogin As this![V99ODWC52S_7@{J3{HL{ZE.png
My GuiLogin Shader