Hello everyone,
Currently on 0.17.0 the ScriptAPI does not use the GraalJS JIT. While we had a proof of concept available in the graaljs_jit branch, it lacked the functionality to remap calls.
As you may know, Minecraft runs in an obfuscated environment, making it difficult to navigate the Minecraft source code through JavaScript without remapping. We've previously done this by injecting into GraalJS in non-JIT mode, but the current implementation struggles with functions that have similar names. For the remapper to work effectively, it needs to approach this from a call target remapping perspective rather than a call lookup perspective.
We originally posted a request for someone to do this task: https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce/issues/4278 including a small amount of money as compensation.
However, I took it upon myself and am happy to announce that I have successfully implemented a new remapper with call target remapping, which fixes all the bugs caused by overloaded methods and fields, as well as brings higher performance when using the GraalVM JDK, which is now the default JRE on LiquidLauncher starting with this commit: https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce/commit/591c5793a93b8e4cbaf7843545055f517848cbf3