BlockAnimation(also can make sword float)
@qwq-liulihaocai 我的MixinItemRender里面就有这个码子,你这是格挡的pos把
@qwq-liulihaocai 你是把这个码子加在哪里的?
@qwq-liulihaocai 话说,你知道怎么让手中的物品浮空,但是 thePlayer的手不浮空吗,那样看着好怪,
@qwq-liulihaocai How to install this
exit scammedreplied to WaterFlex on 9 Apr 2021, 15:58 last edited by exit scammed 4 Sept 2021, 17:58
@waterflex first get an lb src (not the nextgen)
then add a module and register that mixin
finally build it1
@asutoboki Let's go to the discord, show me how to do it
@wangtian297 判断下手里的东西是不是空的就行
@qwq-liulihaocai Az,给个码子呗
判断下手里的东西是不是空 的码子awa -
@qwq-liulihaocai 算了,不麻烦腻了,我估计你给的renderer里面也有。我慢慢研究得了
What line do we paste the mixin code
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