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    19 Topics
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    [image: 1739619958719-801dc743-7715-478d-995c-c695388eca5e-image.png] Features (maybe xD) reveal effect from [image: 1739620123639-780a460d-9f42-4d85-8d84-c7bfc4f2f3d9-image.png] absolutely no rounded corner use platform dependent font Hack and not packaging it into the theme xD in-consistent effect application (not on buttons like Bind) not polished at all other gui not changed at all horrible performance no instruction to install at all Jokes aside this is indeed a WIP theme and don't expect it be perfect. To contribute to this theme, prs and issues are welcomed,
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    @Username21 If you need to remove the watermarks on images or screenshots of inventory, you must respect copyrights and not use their contents without permission. If you wish to personalize your pictures, you can use any editing tools such as Photoshop or GIMP.
  • Think something is missing? Let us know!

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    @EricaV4 To achieve a legitimate reset velocity pattern in LiquidBounce, you might have to adjust the velocity or motion options to fit realistic sprinting behaviour. Refer to the client's config options or try testing various settings in order to establish the most reliable pattern.
  • Found a bug? Report it here!

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    [image: 1739582663910-fdc85523-64be-4876-b032-b2e579f729f7-image.png] yeah those arent working
  • A place for our Chinese community

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    Konoha ScarletK
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    Pacman vibes