@mems said in How is it possible to bypass this?:
@skidma I think that's caused when the server/anticheat makes them look like they are dead so as to "prevent" killauras from hitting them. I believe it's not bypassable.
these are actually edited metadata packets and mostlikely done by the anticheat (as said in quote) OR just added by the server for some reason
@skidma said in How to possibly convert percentages to height:
@czechhek I need the size to work the same way as here (esp health bar)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q48GHwUZh-k&ab_channel=Arithmo
@czechhek said in How to possibly convert percentages to height:
@skidma You just do percentage * rect height
if(mc.thePlayer.ticksExisted % 20 == 0) {
for every second that passes, you will jump
40 ticks = 2 seconds
20 ticks = 1 second
10 ticks = 0.5 seconds
5 ticks = 0.25 seconds
and so on
@dont_doubt https://scriptapi.liquidbounce.net/allclasses-noframe.html
Start by finding class named "Minecraft" and browsing all of its fields and methods.